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''Fuck I'm sorry,'' He muttered, shaking his head. 

Jessica thought for a moment. There was nothing she could say, nothing that she knew she could say. There was this guilt she couldn't part herself from, a thought that she had lead him to this point. It had took her almost two years to forget about Justin, to live on without the sudden thought that Justin was out there. It was now a sudden realization that hit her, looking back at how he was probably sleeping in some street whilst she'd sit up at night, trying to get rid of Bryce from her mind.

She had no idea what was worse. 

''Sometimes I wished I never let you leave, that I didn't want to feel the guilt if something happened and that it would then be on me,'' Jessica told him glumly, lowering her head, her dark brown waves of hair resting on the brown leather jacket that covered her shoulders. 

''Leaving was the only choice, Jess,'' Justin told her, swallowing heavily. ''This isn't on you, I... I ruined your life, it was just the consequences, I ruiend your life so... It was only a matter of time before karma would kick in.'' 

Jessica looked at him. She wanted to say something. There was something heavy on her chest, and not a word could get through it. 

Justin lowered his head. 

They were suddenly interrupted, just as Jessica was about to say something, Clay had hurried over to their booth in a hurry, looking quite hectic until his eyes stuck to where Justin sat, relief deflating the tension building up in his posture. 

''Justin,'' Clay spoke up. 

Justin looked at him, a guilty look on his face. 

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