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''Are you sure there's a point of this?'' Justin reluctantly followed Clay to the camping sites of Evergreen, the wonderful greenery and view was eye-catching, quite a distraction along the way. 

Nothing ever felt so special until it's the last day of their lives. 

It was a last for everything, for everything they see that they'd usually shrug off or not pay much attention to. It really gave them something to think about. How much they had unappreciated, how everything looked so beautiful now. They were going to miss everything, even the view. 

''Just come on, stop whining and follow me over here,'' Clay took charge in this plan. It seemed like the tables had turned. Now, instead of Justin in lead, it was Clay, with an idea to help Justin. With its intentions being to help Justin heal on his last day alive. Clay knew it was the least he could do to help his former enemy, now to be considered friend.

They stopped at the campfire spot, guarded by large stones that formed a circle around it. 

''Why are we stopping at a campfire?'' Justin asked Clay rather worriedly. This was a death hazard. This is how they could die. One wrong move, they could burn to death, which still seemed bizarre because the likeliness still didn't seem so common. 

''Well, uh, what do you think if we did a step forwards to you healing from whatever shit happened with your mom?'' Clay suggested, glancing at Justin, hoping the boy would agree to this idea. 

''What?'' Justin almost scoffed. 

''Well, uh, burning things help,'' Clay shrugged his shoulders. He had seen it in a few shows. It looked like it had some effect. Maybe it'd help Justin? Perhaps Clay doubted it but there was no harm from trying, right? Unless they did burn to death. ''I think.''

''Well, what do you want us to burn? Sounds kind of creepy, like a cult, think of it,'' Justin didn't really take it serious. 

''Jesus christ, Justin,'' Clay rolled his eyes. 

''What?'' Justin responded. 

''Maybe a picture? Something that makes you feel angry? Sad? Like, something that we could destroy with a flame and get off of your chest,'' Clay explained, making it sound simple as he turned to wait for Justin's reaction. 

''Do you really think this'll work?'' Justin spoke with doubt.

''Come on, it's our last day alive, don't you think it would be better to die once you've got something off of your chest?'' Clay questioned, trying to convince him.

''Get it off my chest? Clay, it's not going to magically disappear,'' Justin folded his arms. 

''Give it a shot, okay?'' Clay told him, pulling out a pair of matches, a small pile of logs now sat inside the circle of stones. ''You'll never know until you try.'' 

''Sure, whatever.'' 

When It's Cold I'd Like To DieWhere stories live. Discover now