Facing Each Other Summary:

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Justin stared at her, despite trying not to. He couldn't help it. He was standing six feet from Jessica Davis. It wasn't shock. It was a mix of guilt, and the love Justin thought he had managed to drain away within the few years. 

Jessica stared at him for a moment. It didn't seem to be Justin's issue alone, Jess was too, finding it difficult to get herself together at the sight of him. Her ex-boyfriend, the boy she once loved, the boy who did what he did and hurt her. Yet she still glared at him, not knowing how to feel. 

''I-I'll get out of your way.''

Justin turned around. There was no reason to suddenly barge into her life, despite how he wished they could have at least 5 minutes to talk. He sort of wished she'd want to talk to him, turning around with dread. 

Jess still stood there, grasping her leather satchel rather anxiously. 

''What do you want, Justin?'' She spoke up, voice rather cold as it tremored. 

''To talk,'' Justin admitted, digging his hands deeper into his pockets, fingers feeling at the loose threads as he tugged at them nervously. He scratched at the back of his head, watching as she took a step back, then forward. 

''I don't know if I want to talk to you, Justin,'' Jessica swallowed, unable to stand in one spot as she couldn't loosen up at the sight of him. She could feel his eyes staring. His stupid puppy-dog eyes. She huffed. 

''What do you want me to say, Justin?'' 

Jessica looked around with frustration.

''You don't need to say anything, I just... I don't know, Jess, I-I...'' Justin stopped. He had no idea where he was heading with his plead to Jessica. He didn't even know what he wanted from her. Justin stood there, silently, hoping. 

''What are you doing back here? After three years?'' Jessica asked, eyes glassy. 

''I came back,'' Justin quietly responded. 

''Are you stalking me? Is this what this is?'' Jessica asked him, backing away. She was frantic. There was no peaceful way of facing Justin without the reminder of what happened. 

''Justin, I... You should just go.'' 

Justin sighed. 


Justin didn't move from where he stood, Jessica stopping to look back at him.


Jessica knew she could just walk away, she could walk away without looking back at him. Yet there was something that was pulling her back. She just couldn't walk away now. A pang of guilt rose inside her. God knows where Justin had been these three years. 

''Justin, I told you already that I never want to see you again.'' 

Jessica stared at him, expecting him to respond. 

''I know,'' Justin spoke quietly, like a child who was being told off, hands dug deep in his pockets, rubbing the outer sole of his shoes anxiously across the concrete beneath their feet. ''I just... I had to come back.''

''Why?'' Jessica frowned. 

''I got a call last night,'' Justin lowered his head, not looking up at Jessica. He knew how stupid it was of him for coming back here, for disrupting Jessica's life after everyone had moved on from him. 

''What call?'' Jessica questioned. 


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