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For the first time in forever, the soul felt the burden on it lessen considerably. 

The Multiverse had more space currently than it did for the last decade or so. He didn't even know how Nightmare accomplished it, the destruction of the Omega Timeline. He'd hunted that thing for years on end and still couldn't track it down.

And that's not to mention the heinous amounts of security it had.

Either way, somehow...it was done.

And the energy from the blast had taken out an entire half of the AUs in the Multiverse. He could practically feel the Multiverse stitch itself back together, tighten itself and stabilize. He had to admit, he never thought this day would ever come. 

But it did.

And while he was overjoyed, a part of him was worried.

Something had gone wrong during its Destruction, and chaotic bouts of magic had been spread all over the place.

It won't be long before new and dangerous anomalies rise up. And something told him no one in the Multiverse was ready to face them head-on.

Luckily, that wasn't the only thing that came of the destruction of the Omega Timeline.

Vast amounts of Destruction energy poured into the Multiverse at never-before-seen rates, and try his prison might, it could not stop all of it from reaching him. Temporarily, his chains were overwhelmed, and power flowed through him once more.

It wasn't enough to escape, and in fact, trying to escape with such a limited supply of energy wasn't a good idea.

But, he didn't need his soul to escape this prison. He just needed a way to reach the others. A way to warn and advise them.

And through the brief moments he was reconnected with the rest of the Multiverse, he found one.

Undertale AU'S- The Void's Wrath- A Forced God Of Destruction Error StoryWhere stories live. Discover now