The Siege Of The Omega Timeline

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The version of CORE Chara I'm using belongs to Trica13
The moment Nightmare steps out of the portal, he's greeted by what he thinks is the largest gathering of armed forces he's ever seen. And he's saying that after having been through three of Ink's ambush traps. And even then, Ink only ever brought around ten thousand copies to those fights.

But here? Nightmare is pretty sure he senses energy signature's in the hundred thousands. Dozens of blank Sanses stare at them, not even a light in their eye socket. He can't even feel any emotion from them-only the pure, unfeeling cold of a machine.

He hears others step through the portals, his own gang, Seraphim and Fresh, the battalions of Charas, and the occasional Frisk all arrive. He could feel others were shocked by the sheer number of their opponents, while some didn't seem all that surprised.

The Lost One steps through the dimensional gate and immediately teleports in front of all the other Charas, a stoic expression on their face as they wait patiently for the leader of the army in front of them to arrive. And they did not have to wait long.

CORE!Frisk teleported in front of them, regarding them all with a stoic expression. For a moment, no one said anything. Perhaps they were simply too nervous, or too weary of the enemy in front of them to say anything.

In the end, CORE broke the silence, "I was hoping it would never have to come to this, Nightmare."

"Honestly, I didn't quite want this either. It may surprise you, but I don't exactly like killing indiscriminately." Nightmare drawled to her, raising his black tendrils in a defensive manner.

"You're current actions don't quite add up with what you say."

"We do this because the Multiverse refuses to listen to what we say." The Lost One replies. "This never needed to happen, but you are too blinded by Ink's words to listen."

"You don't think we haven't tried to research your words?" CORE! Frisk snapped back, irritation showing through her voice. "We've tried researching these boundaries you speak of. We haven't found anything."

"Knowledge such as this cannot be comprehended by mortal means, only the gods are aware of it." Nightmare fired back, his single cold blue eye narrowing.

"For your information, we've asked both Ink and Dream." CORE! Frisk retorted. "Neither of them sensed anything. As far as we know, this balance you speak of is nothing more than a lie and excuse to make yourself feel better about butchering innocents."

"We know what we are," Horror said, "most of us don't need excuses."

CORE! Frisk did not bother replying to him. Instead, she scanned the army in front of her. Her eyes narrowed as she noticed something. "Where is he?"

The Lost One tilted their head. "Where is who?"

"The destroyer. Where is he?" CORE! Frisk asked again, her voice as frigid as the arctic winds. "I know he was the one that bound the Omega Timeline. Was he so cowardly he simply trapped us in place and let you all deal with us?"

"Eh," Seraphim shrugged, "he'll be with us in a moment."

"I'm surprised the souls within you aren't writhing in disgust, Seraphim," CORE! Frisk spoke scathingly. "I thought you of all people would be better than this."

"Doing this isn't exactly my idea of a fun time either, Frisk."

"Enough talk." She raised her hand, and then suddenly, the army behind her all summoned their Gaster Blasters. "I'm giving you one last chance, leave."

Undertale AU'S- The Void's Wrath- A Forced God Of Destruction Error StoryWhere stories live. Discover now