Character Info!

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Hi, so, I've been wanting to make a chapter dedicated to just explaining some stuff for a while now, and considering some of this lore is going to be important later down the line, I figured now's a good time.

So, let's start off with The Gods! Or should I say...the primordials.

Primordial Beings 

The Primordials are some of the strongest beings in the Multiverse, the Gods that create Multiverses and entrust the Greater Deities to protect their creations. I'm talking about people like Fate, Destiny, etc,  etc.

Now, the role of the Primordials isn't something that's forever set in stone.

You see, the only truly immortal (as in, straight up CANNOT be killed no matter what) Primordials are the first 6.

Oblivion, Radiance, Time, Space, Order, Chaos.

These embody core aspects of creation. The void, the ether, and the other four are self-explanatory.

However, you'll notice what I'm implying here. The others CAN be killed. (Though I can assure, you it won't be an easy job). However, if you kill one, you take their office (if you're worthy) or someone else will be fetched to replace them. 

Fate and Destiny were created by Oblivion and Radiance, and effectively, their roles and existence are to bring balance. The powers of Fate align with what must happen, while the powers of Destiny align with what COULD happen, provided you put effort into making it happen. Basically, two sides to the same coin.

Now, an interesting fact about the other primordials, is that they are manifestations of several things. An aspect of humanity, an element, etc, etc.

Vengence is the embodiment of the human concept of vengeance and law, as well as the embodiment of fire and heat. (These guys are very abstract-)

Others like Luck, embody the concept of probability and odds, as well as constellations and nature, as well as the human concept of Kindness.

However, the elements they embody predate the existence of the primordials, and every primordial must obey the laws of their elements. Some, like the first 6, don't really have much of a choice but to obey. The ones that were given the title of primordial, however, do have the option to go against their element, but if they do so, they suffer a backlash. (As seen with Fate).

As for how they look...imagine something like this:

(Image taken from the Angelerium, book of emanations)

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(Image taken from the Angelerium, book of emanations).

As I said, very abstract.

Now, these guys are going to be taking a far more proactive role in ACT 2 of the story. You see, ACT 1 was a test run, to see just how well things were going.  Now that the primordials are more confident in Chasm's chances of success, they'll be aiding far more directly.

Now, we will be moving on to the Gods that we all are far more familiar with.

The Guardian Deities

This category includes some of our fan favorites; like Nightmare and Error.

Basically, they're in charge of managing the Multiverses created by the primordials. 

They're kinda like the Norse Gods in a sense, they don't come off as all that Godly or Divine, heck, Ink just kinda looks like a random skeleton that decided he wanted to be a painter. And Error is really just a Sans with a different color scheme.

However, like the Norse Gods, they all are scary strong. 

One key thing all Guardian Deities have in common is an Essence.

An Essence resides within their being and gives them access to their powers pertaining to their element and the senses pertaining to their element. The Essence Of Creation is what allows Ink to create AUs, whereas The Essence Of Destruction is what allows Error to destroy AUs the quick way(though he'll never do so on account of how much pain it causes to the still-alive residents)  and detect the state of the balance.

Now, the biggest difference between them and the primordials is that The Guardian Deities all channel their elements and are effectively just empowered Sanses. The Primordials, on the other hand, ARE their element, and if through some scenario any being attempted to fight a Primordial with their own element, the Primordial could just take their powers away without even moving a muscle. Their control over their element cannot be contested, for they are the element itself.

The Guardian Deities can be split into two categories depending on strength and importance.

Greater and Lesser.

Greater Deities are beings like Ink, Error, Dream, and Nightmare. All of them are gods of core concepts that the Multiverse requires to function.

Lesser Deities include basically the entirety of Reapertale, as well as a few other notable beings. It's not their elements aren't important, but they just don't hold a candle to the Greater Deities. 

One final interesting note is that if you look back at some of the earlier chapters, you'll notice that they've been edited. The second one mentions that Chasm has a connection to the Essence Of Destruction.

Now, let me elaborate. A connection, basically means he can access the power of The Essence, but it's not housed in his soul. The reason being is that The Essence Of Destruction is permanently anchored to Error's soul, and as long the soul still functions, the Essence will not leave him.

Now let's move on outside the domain of the gods...

The Originals

The first variants of the AU Sanses hold a special power.

For starters, they're the strongest of all their variants, possessing demi-god-like power, at least in comparison to the other beings of the Multiverse. There's also the fact that Ink used them as baseplates for their other variants, meaning that they all are linked. So, if an original variant dies, all their clones go with them.

And, actually fun fact, there's an unspoken agreement between all members of the conflict, that NO ONE is to strike a fatal blow on Classic Sans because doing so would kill every other Sans in existence besides the Greater and Lesser deities.

Another fun fact, The Council Of Judges was actually formed in response to Nightmare and Error. Specifically, when Error was on a mad rampage and Nightmare was basically at his most cruel. It's why The Council has such a negative opinion of them, they're whole existence was founded on trying to survive their initial rampages, and those scars just never healed.

A final thing to note about the Council is that their minds are constantly being clouded by Fate's power. If it weren't for that, they would've figured out that The Balance existed ages ago. The reason for this is something I'll leave unstated for now.

That's all I have for today, expect more of these chapter's to come out in the future explaining certain aspects of the Multiverse's lore. Anyway, that's all for now, I have a chapter to go start writing. 

See ya all in Act 2!

Undertale AU'S- The Void's Wrath- A Forced God Of Destruction Error StoryWhere stories live. Discover now