A Classic Place

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Chasm groaned, his entire body felt scorched. As if he'd been dumped into a pool of lava and then constantly struck by thunder. Then, a generous part of this package slammed down onto the ground with the force of a semi-truck.

Still, his conscious probed more and more toward the land of the awake. Sighing, Chasm bearing rubbed his eyes and got up, only to wince as pain shot through him. He opened his eyes and glanced down at himself.

To say he was in a bad state, might've been an understatement.

Blood was dripping down from his wounds, and there were heavy bruises all over his skin. His clothes were pretty badly battered and scorched. However, something else also caught his attention. His surroundings.

He furrows his brow and quickly scans the area and comes to two immediate conclusions. Number 1; this was not Nightmare's realm. And Number 2; he was actually somewhere on the surface. This then implied he was probably in a successful true pacifist timeline (The surface was typically not accessible in any other timeline).

Now, the only question was; which pacifist timeline?

He really hoped it wasn't Underfell, as literally, any other timeline would've given him at least something to work with. Underfell though? That place was dog-eat-dog incarnate. (Actually, what even happens in Underfell's pacifist timeline? He's pretty sure everyone he's ever visited has a separate thing of their own going on).

Chasm tries looking back on his memories to figure out where he was. And instantly, the events of the siege came flooding back to him. He winced as he recalled, biting his lip in guilt. Now that he had gained some form of rest, he could actually process what happened.

CORE fell down into the void, and he was pretty sure they were fine. They've been down there before, so they should be fine- wait, that was before the denizens of the void were their enemies. Okay, that actually makes CORE's status concerning. He's hoping the denizens of the void didn't do anything to them.

Actually, couldn't he just go check by opening a portal into the void? Plus, that would enable him to heal any wounds and such.

"Actually, I wouldn't advise that," A voice interrupts. 

Chasm jumps, and then winced again as pain shot through him. "Who's there!?" He calls out as attempts to stand.

Suddenly he felt a spark of energy emerge from him, similar to what he felt from the Void Charm. But this time it was different, much less powerful. As the energy entered the air around him, purple whisps of smoke emerged, all coalescing into a single form.

The form of a human girl with a hoodie and glasses. 

Chasm thinks he might've sustained some form of cranial trauma.

"Um, what?" He asks flatly. If one were to ask if he was asking what to the girl or to her previous statement, he would not be able to provide an adequate answer.

"Don't open a portal to the void, not here of all places," she repeated. "You'll attract Ink's attention."

"Uh, why would he care?" Chasm asked.

"Search your mind," the girl says simply. "What do you last recall? How do you think you ended up here?"

The voidling does as told, skimming over to his last moments in the Omega Timeline. When Ink vanished, he kinda tossed CORE back into the void and was then-

Chasm's eyes widened. That spell...

And then everything clicked. The group that tried to apprehend him consisted of three people. Ink, who he'd seen vanish. CORE, who he saw fall into the void, and Classic, who hadn't been paying any attention to.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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