What is Fate exactly?

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"Well, hello there my dear FATE! Apologies for how long it's been! But, having to clean up the mess you made tends to take time."







"CHAOS...here to taunt me with your victory?" 

"Not exactly, I just want to talk."

"About what?"

"Fate. Not you yourself, but the element you rule...though I guess the element you formerly ruled would be more fitting...."

"As long as I still the core still pulses for me, I am the Goddess Of Fate."

"The core is the only thing that keeps you the Goddess Of Fate. You've not only lost power, but access to your own Multiverse. Face it, you've been disgraced."

"Disgraced! HA! As if! My machinations still foil your attempts at directly interfering with my world. So long as Error remains imprisoned...so long as Ink still rules, I am anything but disgraced."

"...Y'know with how confident you sound, I could ALMOST believe you...ALMOST."

"...What are you on about?"

"You see, I directly sense the magical flow of the Universe, and as such, can also figure where seals and spells have been placed..."

"Get to the point! I do not need a refresher on your abilities."

"...As you wish. I'll be blunt, I know that you imprisoned Blue in the anti-void."


"You don't seem all that surprised, heh, I suppose I even you saw it coming. But you see, I was curious. Curious as to what a mere Underswap Sans could have done to anger the Goddess of Fate. So I dug."

". . ."

"I dug and dug and dug and dug until I found out something....very intriguing. Ink isn't the only one in your universe who has access to the Fate Core. Blue also had access to it. And given the severity of his imprisonment, I don't think you planned on giving him any access did you?"

". . . . . "

"Hahahaha...I can see the shock in your eyes Fate. I've already told the rest of the council. We no longer have to physically sever your control from your Core. You did that yourself."

"What? How!? I AM-"

"-Correction, 'was'-"


"Oh please, you know how. Your failure to manage your Multiverse properly, your utter disregard for the Fate of your own Multiverse, and everyone in it, doing absolutely nothing to prevent its destruction, was you working against your own element. By having your head held in the clouds for so long, you literally got rid of the ability to control your OWN Core."

"I...B...but, how?"

"You still don't get it? Just because I'm CHAOS doesn't mean I define what Chaos is! If I do something orderly, I suffer the backlash. Just because your FATE doesn't mean you get to choose to ignore your multiverse's fate and everyone in it. By continually allowing the conflict between Error and Ink to continue, you've been going against your own element. And now, you've lost control over your core."


"So, I ask this FATE: Why? Why did you let it come to this? Why didn't you stop? Why did you steal one of Destiny's creations?"

"Why did you endanger your own son?"

Undertale AU'S- The Void's Wrath- A Forced God Of Destruction Error StoryWhere stories live. Discover now