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Cleo's POV
I was on my way to work this morning as I was walking I covered my mouth up as I yawned I made it to the pathway and looked down at my necklace which was messing up I tried fixing it but it didn't work.

I took it off but it slipped out of my hand and into the water I bent down and tried looking for it in the water I looked back up and bit my lip I looked behind me and got up.

I swam towards the ground and picked up my necklace I turned around as the dolphin squealed at me, I decided to play with the dolphin for a little while.

I looked up at the water and saw someone coming I got scared and dove back into the water and but my back against the gate when I saw the dolphin I smiled at it.

I peeked through the door and looked at my necklace as I was dry I had a bucket and gloves in my hand I walked toward the water with a smile on my face.

Once I made it down I saw the dolphin swim up and start to get happy I giggled as I watched him "shh" I said as I put my finger up to my lips the dolphin violently shook his head as I looked at him "all right, all right" I said as I opened the bucket.

I picked up a fish and smiled at him as I threw it into the water and he ate it I closed it back up and smiled "you fed him?" I heard someone say my eyes widened "I'm sorry I just-" I said as I lifted my hand up at the dolphin.

"No, no, that good, he's only been here for a few days and he won't let anyone get close to him" he pointed at him I turned around and looked at the dolphin swim around "what's your secret?" He asked me.

I smiled at the dolphin and smacked my lips together "maybe he just likes my personality" I nodded and turned around and looked at him, I smiled and the dolphin stared squealed.

Leah's POV
I was sitting with Cleo, Rikki, and Reed we all looked at Miriam as she was surrounded by boys who where helping her play pool "yay!" She said and clapped her hands while jumping up and down I rolled my eyes at her.

She looked over at us and smiled at Reed "say Reed why don't you come help me?" She said and leaned on the pool table I sat up straight and was about to get up until Reed pulled me back down "don't'" he whispered to me.

He looked at her "no thanks" he fake smiled at her as I glared at her, she rolled her eyes and turned back to the other boys around her "those guys are morons, they hang on her every word" Rikki said looking at them.

"Still, I wish someone would had the hots for me like that, moron or not" Cleo said looking over at me "don't worry, Cleo someday someone will find you attractive and It'll come when you least expected it" I turned my head at Cleo and smiled at her.

"A bit like zits" Rikki said playing with her straw, "and sweat marks under your armpits" Cleo said but turned her head and saw Zane.

I looked over and saw Zane standing there looking at me "hey Leah" he said leaning on my chair, Reed looked at him and pushed his arm off my chair "what do you want Zane" Reed told him he looked at Reed with a glare then back at Cleo.

"Cleo, can I have a word?" Zane asked her I looked over at Cleo and shrugged my shoulders at her "as if Cleo would waste her breath talking to you" Rikki looked at Cleo then back up at Zane "well, she wastes it on you daily" Zane looked at Rikki with a smirk.

I looked over at Rikki for her to fire back but she didn't say anything as she licked her teeth "it's ok, Zane, we can talk" Cleo looked at him and nodded her head as she got up I looked at Rikki and Reed and shook my head.

Cleo's POV
"Can I buy you a wheatgrass shot?" Zane asked me with a smile I looked at him confused"no thanks" I shook my head "so how's work" he asked nicely "you're starting to freak me out, Zane, what do you want?" I told him.

H2O Just Add Water (OCxMermaid!Reader) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now