The Camera Never Lies

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We where watching a little film at the JuiceNet cafe, there was big boots walking on the tv with intense music, but seconds later it showed a little boy falling in the sand smiling, then the words said 'Big Boots To Fill' I smiled at my brothers film, and held Reeds hand.

"Big Boots To Fill, By Lewis McCartney, the winning entry from last years junior filmmaker's competition" Wilfred turned off the tv, and grabbed some papers and set them on the pool table.

"If we're gonna win this thing we have to be aware of the rules" Emma looked at us "forget the rules" Rikki looked at Reed "it's a short film contest, we make a short film, easy peasy" Reed told us, sipping on his juice.

"Last year they rejected an entry because it was seven seconds over three minutes" Cleo played with her straw, I looked over at Reed with my eyebrows raised.

"Ok, filmmakers, this year's theme is hero's, and courtesy of Zane's father the very generous, and wealthy, Dr.Harrison Bennett this years prize money has doubled" Wilfred sat on the pool table, I looked at Emma, and I smiled "sounds good!" Rikki smiled at Reed.

"And Dr.Bennett himself is on the judging panel! Good luck" Wilfred told us, I side eyed Cleo with a slight smile on my face, Rikki got up and grabbed a paper "so your dad's judging and sponsoring, wonder who's going to win?" Rikki looked over at Zane "if you're implying that you're an automatic loser, I'll second that" he leaned forward.

"Hey, watch it Bennett" Reed gave him a warning look, Zane looked at him and rolled his eyes, Rikki came and sat back down"why does Zane's dad get to judge" she looked over at Emma "probably because he's putting in all the money" Emma rested her hand on her head, and smiled at her.

"But-" she started but Cleo cut her off, "maybe because he's a genuine hero too, look" Cleo shrugged her shoulders and pointed to the wall, I looked and saw a board "that's the windsurfer Harrison Bennett rode to Mako Island" I looked at the board "all the way around and back, record time, right Zane?" Reed looked at him as Zane grabbed a paper off the table.

"Yeah, whatever, old news" he looked at Reed, then me, he smiled at me and I rolled my eyes "the records stood for 20 years" Emma finished "yeah, my dad, big hero, blah, blah, blah, blah" he put the paper down and walked away.

"I had no idea your dad was a hero!" Rikki laughed, he stopped and turned back around "you must have been a tremendous disappointment to him" Reed looked over at him, he didn't say anything and turned back around to sit down.

"So, If we're working together we're going to need to research" Emma got our attention "done! I've rented all the movies we need" Cleo got them out her bag and sat them on the table "Cleo, those movies aren't right" Emma shook her head "you want research, these are classics! Tracy and Hepburn, and Bacall" I slightly nodded and listen to Cleo talk.

"We're never going to win the prize money doing  romance!" Rikki kicked the last part "it's not about the money it's about the art" Emma looked at her "what about these?" Emma pointed at a paper "at least Cleo's choices had stories" I looked at where Emma pointed.

"I will die if I have to watch a Northern Korean family eat breakfast for an hour in real time" I told them, Emma looked at me and shook her head "can't you read subtitles Leah? These are real films, with poetry and mood" Emma pointed at the films  "Jaws, doesn't need subtitles" I held up the movie in Emma's face.

"A shark is a shark in any language" Rikki looked over at Emma "so who goes first? We can't watch them all tonight" Cleo shook her head "let's just be civilized about this" Emma side eyed me, then back at Cleo "best of three, scissors, paper, rock" Emma smiled.

Me and the girls held out our hands, me, and Emma picked rock, we smiled at each other, Rikki picked paper, and Cleo picked scissors, I smiled at Emma.

Leah's POV
Rikki and I walked in and saw Lewis, and Reed, Lewis looked like he was tearing paper apart, and Reed was doing work, with glasses.

H2O Just Add Water (OCxMermaid!Reader) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now