Pool party

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Emma's POV
I was getting ready to take a bath which was not gonna be easy, I leaned over the bathtub and looked at the water I took off my shorts and got in the tub, once I got in my tail of course appeared I put my hand on the side of the bathtub and leaned by head back and just sat there for a while.

Cleo's POV
I was trying to clean out my fish tank, when I was trying to grab a rock, I almost had it, but I was to focus on what I was trying to grab, then water got in my gloves I took them off as fast as I could "no, no, no, no, no, no" I heard a knock at the door I tried to dry my hands, but it was to late.

"Cleo, Cleo, Cleo, dad says you have to hurry up if you want a lift to school" it was Kim I fell on my bed with my tail out "it's okay Kim I'll walk" I said and looked at my tail I grabbed my phone and sent a picture of a fish to Emma, Leah and Rikki.

Rikkis POV
Me and Leah decided to go for a swim before school I dove in the water, and me and her swam side by side smiling like crazy we played around for a bit, I saw Leah swimming with a dolphin I looked around and the sea was beautiful.

Leah's POV
Cleo walked out of the bathroom with lotion complaining about it "this is a catastrophe of the highest order moisturizer is mainly water" Cleo looked at Rikki who was in lala land "if dolphins can swim for miles so can we" Rikki said Cleo ignored her and continued to talk about lotion.

"We can't moisturize ever again" Cleo looked at us "great now where going to be dry for the rest of our lives" I joked, Rikki was still going about swimming this morning that we took "we could swim the way to Fiji could you imagine that" Rikki smiled at us Cleo was not having it though "our skin will be dry and wrinkly we'll be geriatrics by the time we're 21" Cleo blabbed.

I could tell something was wrong with Emma because she was quite "Em what wrong" I asked her and put my hand on top of hers "I missed training today first time in six years" she said looking at me "oh Em I'm sorry" I told her comforting her.

"See, see how bad this is we have to tell somebody our parents a doctor the police" Cleo said I looked at Emma and then at Cleo "and end up a mermaid in a straight jacket with my stressed skin forget it" Rikki looked at Cleo, I nodded my head and looked at Emma, she got up and walked over to Cleo.

"Rikki's right Cleo we can't tell anyone" Emma looked at her "not even mom?" Cleo looked at Emma "no, no parents" Emma shook her head "but I tell mom everything" cleo told us.

"well not this time it's to dangerous people just won't understand we could be locked up" Emma told her "why would we be locked up?" Cleo asked "because we're different, because we can do things that other girls can't do, because they're scared of us" Emma was right we are not like everyone else.

"fine I won't tell anyone except Lewis" Cleo looked down at her hands "No, Cleo not Lewis not anyone, and that goes for you to Leah don't tell my brother" Rikki said looking at me I looked at her.

"But..." I started but got cut off by Rikki "it's dangerous I get you like him, but I'm sorry" she said I looked down at my hands "okay, okay fine I won't tell Reed" we all looked at Cleo "Okay, okay don't worry I'm really good at keeping secrets" she smile and put the lotion down, we all looked at each other in worry, Rikki scratch her head.

The bell rang and we all went to our lockers to put our books away, until this annoying voice came out of no where Miriam "now it's party time people, no excuses in honor of our very own surfing god, the beautiful Byron for winning his special prize" she said stopping right besides us giving out invitations to everyone.

"What prize?" Cleo asked her from her locker "whatever it is they give out for surfing" she said giving Cleo a weird look "the coast surf classic, he won by a mile" Emma told her, since Miriam didn't know "I was having a spray tan but I'm sure he was amazing" she said looking at Emma.

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