Hurricane Angela

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Cleo's POV
I walked into the kitchen and spotted Kim doing the dishes "Kimmy, do you want to listen to something really good?" I asked her giving her a fake friendly smile "sure?" She told me, I walked over behind the counter and stood in front of her "well, you can't" I scolded at her.

"Huh?" She asked confused "and neither can I, neither can anyone because you broke my MP3 player" I yelled at her and held up my MP3 "I never touched it" she stammered "liar! You touched it, you took it from the bottoms of my desk drawer in my bedroom" I pointed at my chest with anger in my voice.

"Well, maybe you'd like to do your washing up" she gave an attitude back I stayed quiet for a moment and turned to look at dad, I slowly walked over to Kim and leaned on the counter "it's not mine, I pay you good money to do it for me" I whispered to her "good money?" She yelled I rolled my eyes on how loud she was.

"More like small change" I turned my head at dad to make sure he wasn't listening "you greedy little-" Kim cut me off "slave driver! Making me do your chores while you get to hang out with your dumb friends, and Reed, I should be hanging out with Reed not you" I furrowed my eyebrows on her last sentence.

"They're not dumb, you are! And plus Reed doesn't hang out with me, he's Leah's boyfriend and Leah's my friend he's always around us" i looked at her up and down "really? Well, I guess that makes me too dumb to do the dishes, I'm on strike" she shrugged her shoulders with a smirk.

"You can't do that" I shook my head at her "pretty sure I can" she had a rag in her hand that was wet and put it on my shirt which got me wet "enjoy" I grabbed the rag from her and threw it in the sink as I glared at her and ran off to my room before my tail appeared.

I made it to my room and closed the door, I locked it and tried to make it to the bathroom "oh no" I said and fell to the floor with a groan.

"Cleo, can you come out here, please?" Mom, knocked on the door, and muffled behind it "not really" I yelled trying to grab a towel on my chair "Kim tells me you have been bullying her" I heard mom say I stopped and looked around in disbelief "I have not!" I shook my head.

"And when I tried to discuss it with her maturely, like you've told us to, she just ran off" Kim yelled "I did not! I just had to come and dry my hands" I was starting to get angry with her more, I grabbed a towel off my chair "why, it's not like you did any of the washing up" she shot back.

I pursed my lips together and put my head to the side, while I started to wipe down my arms to dry myself off.

Leah's POV
"Hi, Mr.Sertori" I walked into the house with Reed by my side "hi, girls" he said sitting down with his coffee and newspaper, I quickly turned my head to an argument going on "do me a favor, don't ever talk to me again!" Cleo came down the stairs angrily yelling at Kim.

"Fine, I won't!" Kim said walking back over to the sink, with anger, "Hey, Reed" Kim said twirling her braid looking at him "hi, Kim" he waved at her "oh, hey Leah" Kim rolled her eyes at me as I looked at Reed confused, he shrugged his shoulder's "hey..." I waved at her awkwardly.

Cleo grabbed her bag and turned towards us "hey, guys, I'll be ready in a minute, there's just one thing I've got to take care of" she threw her bag over her shoulders and walked halfway into the kitchen I looked over and saw the water come up and splash Kim.

I looked over at Cleo who was smirking "the water in the basin! It jumped up at me!" She had water and soap all over her, Cleo turned around and stopped in-front of Emma "all right, all set" she smiled and walked out the door.

"So what happened to not using our powers unless we absolutely had to?" Rikki asked as we walked to class "I did absolutely have to, you know my sister" we looked at her for a moment "ok, you guys don't know what it's like, you don't have little sisters" Rikki and I looked at each other.

H2O Just Add Water (OCxMermaid!Reader) Season 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz