Young Love

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We where at my brothers jungle science stuff we where trying to find him but no use, I was holding Reeds hand as we walked through the jungle trees "this place is cool" I heard Emma's little brother say, I pushed some leaves away from my face "Lewis where are you?" I heard Emma say we came to bring him some stuff.

Finally I found my stupid brothers "your friends and our sisters is here" Lewis looked over at us I let go of Reeds hand and ran to my other brother and gave him a hug "Hi Lenny" I told him "hey sis" he said hugging me back I let go and looked at my friends and my boyfriend.

"Guys great you got the stuff" Lewis told them they put it on the table for him "yes I hope your going to pay us for all of this Lewis" I told him "oh come on your big brother don't get a hug too" he held his arms out I pushed them both away and went to stand by Reed, "is this going to work Lewis?" Lenny my brother said, looking around "sure it is Lenny of course" Lewis told him, Emma pointed at him.

"This is Lenny?" she asked, I looked over at them "oh what you haven't met" Lewis told them "of course not nerd" I told him with a duh look "oh Lenny the guys, the guys Lenny mine and Leah's second oldest" he said Lenny waved and looked over at me and Reed he looked down at our hands.

"Oh, so who is this Leah" I looked at Lenny and then Reed, he held out his hand "Hi uhm, I'm Reed Leah's boyfriend, and this one's brother" he pointed at Rikki and shook his hand "you treat my sister right or I'll haunt you" he told Reed I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Okay" I said awkward "how many brothers have you got?" She turned and looked at me "5 dumb brothers" I told her Lewis and Lenny looked at me in disbelief "but only one, would own a plant nursery" Lewis said "and only one, who would hire Lewis to fix a watering system" Lenny told him.

"Hey you're getting a good deal here Lenny the whole cross sector irrigation system will be completely automated and far superior to that ancient sprinkler system up there" Lewis pointed out, the girls and I looked up at the sprinklers, and backed away, I let go of Reeds hand "okay well, seems like you two have got a lot to talk about so we'll be heading off".

I looked at Reed "you should stay here with my brothers" Lenny looked at him "yeah mate come on stay" he patted his back "uhm, I don't think this a-" I cut him off with quick kiss "Leah!" Reed called out trying to stop me with his hand, but I was quick to run.

Turns out Emma is taking her brother to surfing practice, we made it to the beach, Rikki took off her shirt and sat besides me "the last few lessons are on the sand no chance of getting wet" Emma told Rikki I looked over at Elliot, "revolting" Byron held something up "hey Emma the clean up the beach rally starting are you gonna come" Byron asked her Emma looked up and him and smiled.

"Oh I forgot wait a second" Byron walked off, Emma turned to me  "can you do me a really big favor watch Elliot for me?" we all looked over at them, and saw Elliot doing his lessons "Oh Emma I would but I promised Reed I would go out with him tonight, that is if he don't cancel on me for my dumb brothers" I looked at her and gave her a smile.

We both looked over at Rikki at the same time, "No, no way it's not going to happen" she shook her head at us, and our smile slightly dropped "please" Emma begged her "sorry I don't do kids just take him with you" she pointed at him I looked at her "oh come on Rikki you can do it" I looked at my watch and back at Emma "oh I've got to go, have fun Rikki" I got up and walked off to go see Reed.

Leah's POV
I got to Lewis's jungle forest, I saw them all doing nerdy stuff together "hey nerds" I walked up and put my hands on my hips, they all looked at me "Hey Love" Reed said he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek I smiled at him, I looked over at my brothers "so how's this stuff going" I pointed at this.

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