XIV Nobody's Hero

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Her blonde hair cascaded down her back in curls over a lacy gown as white as winter itself. She was frost itself cold and ethereal, except for her cold, radiant smile that shone like the sun and it was pointed at him. A thin veil covered her face as she glided over to where he stood a shadow in a world of cold and light.

"You look beautiful." He whispered breathlessly once she had climbed the stairs up to the stage to meet him. She smiled coyly as she took in his black tuxedo and obsidian bow tie. His thick waves of dark hair had been gelled back for the occasion, leaving her free to stare into his dark eyes.

The two of them were an odd pair, yet somehow they completed each other. A woman who seemed to be made of cold light and a man made of the dark fires of hell. They were yin and yang in every possible way, and it was beautiful.

The couple said their vows pouring every ounce of their being into them. The love was so thick that it was tangible. The silver room around them seemed to glow as they leaned into each other for their first kiss as a married couple.

"I love you." The woman whispered right before he pressed his lips to hers.

"And I you."

Then the world exploded into a brilliant ball of white light.


My spine crackled as I shot straight up in bed. Sweat poured down my face mixing with the seemingly never ending flow of tears. I reached up to rub my eyes and clear away the lingering dream. My mother and father's wedding. I smiled slightly at the ghosts of my mind, it comforted me to see that they did love each other despite the circumstances.

I sighed I only hoped that it could be that way for me. For a moment I let myself envision a future with a medium sized old Victorian house and a little girl with black curls and green eyes standing next to me as I held a baby boy with white blonde hair. The boy never opened his eyes though, never showing me if the boy had Dimitri's green eyes or Adrian's blue.

I blinked and the day dream disintegrated. I would never have a family, a wedding, or a home. Dimitri didn't love me anymore and I would never give Adrian the chance to. The vial came to mind and I recalled another future one that was much more plausible, and much, much more eminent.

I rolled out of bed not quite remembering when I had climbed into it. The last thing I remembered was Adrian's voice as I lay on his chest staring up at the stars. I must have fallen asleep. I growled internally. How could I be so stupid! So trusting and weak! I couldn't afford any mistakes and I had blundered my way through a whole evening.

It wouldn't happen again. I forced my face into a cold reptilian smile as I pulled on my normal black long sleeve, and loose ripped back jeans. A look in the mirror showed such obvious changes from the last time I had studied myself in the bathroom of a killer so long ago.

My hair was longer falling a little below my chest now in big wild curls, that were no longer matted and greasy from weeks without wash. My clothes fit me, I no longer seemed to be drowning in dirty rags. The clothes themselves still spoke of a former street urchin, just more of a well fed and groomed one. Where there had been bones before, defined muscles coated my limbs giving my body a hard, square like hourglass shape.

It was my face though that seemed almost unrecognizable. My huge green eyes seemed smaller- less doe like. They had hardened with distrust and suspicion, but what scared me was the lack of compassion in them. The green almost looked diluted by a sheen of frost matched by the hard set line of my mouth.

I no longer looked like an innocent helpless little girl; the prey. I was the predator.

Smiling coldly at my reflection I turned and tucked the vials away with the journal in its hiding spot and went to complete the next phase of my plan.

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