XIII Dead Men Tell No Tales

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He slammed me into the padded wall again for what seemed like the thousandth time in the past hour. Shakily I climbed back to my feet in a feeble attempt to defend myself against the beating that I knew would inevitably come whether I fought or not.

"Stop." I croaked gasping for breath, holding out my arm to shield myself.

"Get up." Adrian growled grabbing my outstretched arm and yanking me to my feet. "Staying down like that only lets your opponent know you are weak and close to submitting to them. You're not very strong or big, any man could easily over power you."

"Gee thanks." I interjected.

He glowered at me twisting my wrist slightly. "Listen or this will go on longer." He smiled smugly as I sealed my lips. "Thought so, now as I was saying you're not strong, but you are quick and intelligent. Those are your advantages in a fight. Eighty percent of the people you will be dealing with will underestimate you and try to win with brute force. Dodge them. Get under their arms, kick them in the knee, hit them in the groin- a man especially- tire your adversary out then go in for the kill." Adrian said, a knife suddenly appearing in his hands and at my throat as he twisted me so that my back was against him.

"Again." He commanded releasing me, and tucking the blade away from wherever it had come from.

Adrian backed away putting about five feet between us before circling me like a lion would its prey. Mirroring him I stalked around him waiting for any movement that might give his next move away. Finally he sprang at me with the grace of a tiger knocking me to the ground. Blood leaking from my mouth I rolled over twisting away from Adrian as he withdrew his knife again.

Rolling again my head avoided the knife as it slammed into the ground inches from where I'd been. Catlike I leapt to my feet and darted around the mound of lean muscle before me. A silver glint flashed through the air as the knife flew towards me. We stood directly facing each other waiting for one another to attack again. Adrian had pulled another knife from some hidden pocket, balancing it in his hands as he raised an arm to throw it at me.

My body reacted before my mind could fully form the thought. Sprinting I rushed him throw in the full force of my weight at him. Wide eyed Adrian collapsed under the force as I tackled him to the ground wrenching the knife from his hands. While he was still stunned I climbed over him holding his arms down with my legs as I pressed the cold metal of the knife into his throat.

"That was a pretty good lesson." I said the corners of my mouth curling into a demented smirk.

"Didn't think you could do it." He wheezed.

"I'm a fast learner." I retorted pressing the blade deeper as he squirmed.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" A new high pitched voice growled from the doorway.

My neck jerked pulling my eyes up from Adrian to see a furious looking red head. Porcelain skin with a pallor to rival my own was surrounded by a flaming halo of deep red hair as she towered over us with ballerina like grace. Her chocolate brown eyes scorched a hole through my green ones as she spoke sending each word like an arrow.

"And who might you be?" She sneered with the emphasis on you that would imply she had just found gum on the bottom of her shoe. Smiling with mock politeness I released Adrian and rose to my full height before falling into a sarcastic curtsy. "I am Neoma Marie Casimir."

"Casimir? Ha! You're the daughter of the most hated mafia leader in history?"


"Aren't you a little small for someone so important?"

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