𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1 - 𝓒𝓪𝓾𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰

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Chat Noir's POV:
As I watch, fascinated, at the divine beauty that was sitting in front of me, I don't notice someone creep up behind me...


"Oh. My. Gosh. M'lady, you scared me!" I choke, trying not to turn around, and continue looking at the girl.

"Who you lookin' at?"

"Oh, no-one, I thought I heard screams from here, hah!" I lie, rubbing the back of my neck, nervously.

"Don't you- like- have a girlfriend, Chat?"

"I'm not staring at Y/n!" I rally, pointing my nose in the air, to look more confident.

"Oh, I knew it! You were staring at her. So, you've been stalking her so much, that you know her name?" Ladybug asks, bending down.

"It's just a small crush! I'm sure my girlfriend has several of those!" I say, indirectly. Little did she know, I was talking about her.

"Sure..." She says, skeptically, before running off into the distance.

God, so much had happened in the past few months.

I had unknowingly found out Ladybug's identity, bless my luck, she didn't find out that I had seen her transform. But I knew her identity now, nothing could change that fact. I love Ladybug, yes, so of course, I accepted her as Marinette instantly. Things escalated from there...

Now, I was dating her. If I had a crush, was it that big of a deal? I wasn't exactly cheating now, was I? I was a hundred percent sure that she had crushes too! Why was everyone so pressed on this?

All I had done, was learnt the beautiful girl's name. She was a model, like me, as well! Her name was Y/n. It was just as pretty as her...

No. Adrien, Snap out of it. I tell myself. I couldn't keep looking at her, with that doe-eyed, love-struck expression. She was bound to spot me one day, 'spying' on her. I really wanted to talk to her. Although, I was too scared to do so. 

Since she was a model, maybe Father could partner us up, perhaps? Or maybe I could switch schools? Wait- was I really thinking about leaving my girlfriend? Marinette would be heartbroken. If I stayed any longer, someone would think I was interested in dating her! Although, that doesn't sound so bad... Ugh! Goddamn it! Why was she so beautiful?

Before I could turn around, to leave, she caught me staring at her. Y/n gave me a wave, to which I sent back, except more hesitantly.

I was so scared. Butterflies had engulfed me, and a red tint had stained my cheeks. My hair swayed in the wind, and I felt myself constantly rubbing it to stay down. I never felt this with Marinette...

Were crushes always like this?

Y/n POV:

Like usual, you had your legs dipped in the cold, frosty, winter-cold lake. In your hand, was a notebook, on which you were drawing. You didn't know what, you just drew. This space was special to you. Your Father used to take you here. You didn't have many memories with him, but most of the one's you had, were from here.

You traced a light, hazy line on the page, and closed your eyes, while pointing your head up. The area here seemed to have a life of it's own. When you closed your eyes, and listened, it was like your hand's had their own life-form. They drew on their own. It was kind of like your sixth sense! That, was what you called it.

Opening your eyes, you looked down, to see a picture of Chat Noir, perched on a lamp-post. You look around, you close to never drew something that wasn't there! Chat Noir, Paris's savior must be close. You stand up, ogling your surroundings. Sure enough, there, on the top of the lamp-post was Chat Noir. You wave at him, a smug smile on your face. Yes, your 'sixth sense', never failed you. It was sort of like a super power! You loved to think of it like that. Chat Noir returned the wave, hesitantly. He seemed... lost.

You were usually good at understanding people, based on their facial expressions. Chat Noir always struck as a peculiar, interesting type, since his expressions always were different. He didn't seem happy most of the time. Though, when you asked others about this, they claim that it was just your silly imagination running wild, who wouldn't be happy having powers?

Yet, despite all this, when you look at the poor kitty, all you see is desperation, uneasiness, and a longing, for love. He must be so alone at home! Perhaps he's an orphan? Or maybe his Father died as well? No, that was wrong! You shouldn't be happy, if he had lost a parent, even if it made you feel good, to have something in common with a superhero.

When you looked down, to see what you had unknowingly drawn, you were surprised by what you saw. It was your car. However, you didn't have a modelling shoot until tomorrow! Ugh! You should've known Mother couldn't keep her promise. She just had to squeeze in an extra shoot.

Unhappily, you enter the car, crossing your arms as you do. Little do you know, a certain hero is trailing you. For what reason, you don't know.

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