Chapter One

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Sitting at her favorite coffee shop, Violet wondered why her Aunt had called her that morning, asking if they could meet. It wasn't often that she got a call or any type of attention from her Aunt Lydia. Lydia generally ignored Violet, not letting on if she really even existed to her.

Ever since Violet was three years old when she was suddenly brought home by the Grand Alpha, her uncle. His wife, her aunt Lydia, had said she had no patience to raise one child, let alone two. The fact was, Lydia hated the thought of her mate having a child with another woman so she took her vengeance out on the one person she could, Violet. Fearing for Violet's safety, the Grand Alpha decided it was best if she did not live within the royal home and sent her to live in an adjacent small cottage on the border of his territory. Far enough away that Lydia couldn't be bothered with her while she grew up but close enough to be under his eye and protection. Violet was raised alone by a guardian that was hand-picked to watch over her. It was only when Violet turned fourteen did her aunt start to take notice that she lacked the motherly influence every girl needs and craves. Since then, Aunt Lydia has tried her best to become that figure for Violet. Teaching her the traits of how to be a good Luna if she were to ever find an alpha as a mate.

That was what Lydia secretly wished for, for Violet to be claimed by another alpha in a different territory. Violet doesn't blame her Aunt Lydia. It was hard trying to replace someone you never knew, but still, she was trying and that was all that mattered to Violet. She enjoyed her aunt's company. Lydia was harshly spoken at times and at other moments she was gentle and kind-hearted.

She was lost in thought when she heard the waitress clear her throat, announcing she had arrived to take Violet's order. The intrusive sound pulled Violet from her thoughts and back to the present moment in the bright and airy cafe. "Hi. Sorry." Violet apologized before continuing to look down at the menu in front of her. "What can I get for you today?" The tall curly-brown-haired teen asked impatiently. " Um. Can I have a moment more? I am just waiting for another person and don't want to be rude to order before she gets here." Violet asked quietly with a smile. The waitress just nodded her head, shrugging her shoulders in unison. Then she turned and walked back towards the counter to wait for a new customer.

A few more minutes passed as Violet looked out the streaked front window to watch the outside surroundings. The sun was shining but in the sky, clouds were threatening with the promise of rain again. This will be the third day of this week. Violet didn't mind the rain, but she preferred warm sunny days where she could just walk out in the meadow by her cottage and sit to read by the stream that flanked the border to her uncle's territory.

"Violet my dear, I am so sorry for being so tardy." She heard her aunt's melodic voice over the ringing of the door's bell. Violet turned her head and smiled widely. " That's OK, Aunt Lydia. I know you are a very busy woman and I haven't been waiting long. I promise." Violet said as she rose to hug her aunt conservatively. Her aunt returned the hug graciously and took the seat opposite Violet at the small round table. "How are things, Aunt Lydia?" Violet asked as she watched her aunt take a handkerchief out of her handbag and begin to wipe the table down in front of her. Her aunt smiled as she finished, looking up under her lashes at Violet, then laughed slightly. "Busy as usual, even more so with the upcoming gala I am trying to plan with no avail." Violet nodded and giggled "I am sure it will all turn out spectacular as always Aunt Lydia." Lydia's eyes lit up at the compliment. Even though Violet had not personally been allowed to attend the yearly gala her Aunt has every year, she had heard tales of its grandeur. "You know I was thinking maybe you would like to help me this year to plan the gala. Is this something you would be interested in, Violet? It could be good for you to learn what is expected of a matriarch." Her aunt stated hesitantly. Lydia never knew how to interact with Violet. She had always secretly wished for a daughter. When Henry showed up with another woman's child she had thought the worst of him before even asking who Violet had belonged to. And for years she avoided even mentioning it, sweeping her and her existence under the rug to never be brought up again. Until the night, her husband, the Alpha, forced her to meet Violet. She was so young and fragile at fourteen. Henry decided it was finally time to introduce her to everyone. He bought her a beautiful lilac-colored dress and escorted Violet to the house for his son's sixteenth birthday celebration. Violet was so scared and looked so out of place in the grand foyer. Lydia had learned that night of the massacre that took place and the real truth about Violet and her violent past. She was the daughter of her husband's exiled half-sister, Alicene, who had fallen in love and mated with an air dragon. Violet was a family secret that should have been recognized and protected. But, it was too late by the time Henry found out. The home she had made with her husband and his kind was all but lit up in smoke and ash when Henry and his warriors reached it. Henry had found his half-sister's 3-year-old daughter stowed away in a muddy culvert near her dead mother's body. He thought the best thing at that moment for Violet was to give her a new home and a family to care for her. Lydia cried uncontrollably when Henry sat her down. Not because of how she was found, but of how much she had missed out on being the mother she desperately sought to be and Violet's potential to be the daughter she had prayed to the gods & goddesses for.

"Really?" Violet asked excitedly, taking Lydia out of her memories. Lydia shook her head vigorously. "But of course, my dear. This will be a night to remember. Not every day a Grand Alpha proclaims his only son as his successor." Violet smiled widely, seeing how proud Lydia was of her son. She was also frightened at the thought of what was to happen to her once Derek became Alpha. Lydia just sat and watched the emotions that played across Violet's pale complexion and she wondered if she looked like her mother had or if she looked like her father. Henry never spoke about Alicene or her dragon mate. She was a memory that brought Henry a lot of heartache and pain, so she stopped asking. Lydia reached across the table to lightly fold her hand over her niece's before saying gently "He may be eccentric at times and has a few anger issues but Derek loves you, Violet. You do not need to fear his ascension." Violet nodded solemnly before she looked away from her aunt and motioned for the waitress. She knew Derek hated her. He never showed one ounce affection towards her except when his Gryphon soul overtook him. Mathius was always gentle and cautious around her but Derek wasn't.

The two of them ordered their food and waited for the waitress to return. "How are your studies going?" Lydia asked as she glanced at her rose gold watch. Violet smiled at her and replied "Good, I graduate in two months, Aunt Lydia. I've also been working part-time at the real estate office down the street to get experience. Mainly just answering phones and filing paperwork, but it's something until I can graduate with my business degree and find a more permanent job." Lydia smiled softly as she listened to her niece before looking at her more sternly. "Why don't you work at the family company, Violet? I am sure Derek can find something more suitable for you to do there. I heard he is looking for a new assistant. Is that not what you went through college for?" She asked, raising her perfectly maintained eyebrows questioningly. "Well...yes...sort of. I went for business management. I didn't want to impose or assume a position at Derek's company, so I went and applied for a job elsewhere, Aunt Lydia. You have all done so much already for me." Violet said quietly, as the waitress set her chai latte and sandwich down in front of her. They both waited for the waitress to finish serving them before they continued the conversation. "Nonsense dear! You are family. I will speak to Derek on your behalf this afternoon." And with a firm smile, Violet knew there was no turning back or arguing with her matriarch.

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