Chapter Three

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Violet's P.O.V

I walked into the building on nerves as I looked around the sterile but bright open space. Centered in the middle of what I would call the reception hall was a bright granite stone desk. Like the ones, you see in posh hotels made for the rich and famous. I took a deep breath as I stood at the entrance wondering what was in store for me after the incident with Derek. I did as I was told and quit my job at the real estate office on Thursday first thing. They gave me three days' grace before starting here. I was a little apprehensive about coming to work in the Markstien head office but it was unavoidable seeing as this is where Derek worked. I smoothed my hands down the front of my blue pinstripe tailored shirt dress and stepped further into the room towards the desk.

As I got closer, a tall woman came bursting through one of the doors just behind the desk and to the right. She must have been late because it seemed like she was rushing as she dropped the stack of files and cup of coffee on the desk. The blond seemed to be about my age with bright blue eyes. She looked up suddenly aware she wasn't alone and gasped as she faced me. "Oh my gosh! I am... so... sorry! I didn't hear you come in. You must be the new executive assistant?" she bemused with a giggle as she rounded the desk and held out her slender hand to me. I smiled softly and nodded. "Yes, Yes I am. it's a pleasure to meet you ahh..." I paused to wait for her to give me her name. She giggled again " Amber. I'm Amber" I shook her hand "Well it's nice to meet you, Amber. Umm... Derek told me I would be meeting someone to show me around today. I'm Violet Everston'' I said with a smile. Amber frowned and shushed me abruptly. At first, I was taken back and then a wave of regret and nervousness hit me. I pulled my hand back and clasped my belly. I looked to the ground nervously. "Oh, Oh no sweetie. I didn't mean to scare you. We just don't ever call our alpha by his first name. It's disrespectful." Amber said as she walked closer to me and put one of her slender arms around my waist. I looked up at her apologetically " I didn't. I didn't mean to be disrespectful." Amber looked at me with sincere eyes. "Well, as long as you won't lips are sealed." she ended with the last part as a half-whisper half giggle in my ear. That made me smile as I let out a shaky breath.

Once the awkwardness dissipated she led me around the office showing me where everything was. She even introduced me to a few people as we walked around. She showed me where the alpha and beta's offices were upstairs as well "You will probably never come up here unless summoned. Our Alpha generally works from his home. But Beta Ethan well he comes in quite often. I think he does it to avoid his mother, to be honest." she said secretively. "hmm why is that?" I asked quietly. " what I hear is that Beta Ethan hasn't found a mate yet and his mother is all up in ends about it. She keeps trying to set him up with all these girls, so he comes here to escape them all!" Amber chirped.

"Hey, Vi. Can I call you Vi?" Amber asked jubilantly. I covered my mouth and giggled. "Yes, I would like that. My best friend calls me Vi all the time." Amber's face lit up as she nodded making her golden curls bob up and down around her shoulders. "Awesome! I feel we are going to be great friends you and I, Vi. I can just feel it." She smiled brightly. Arm and Arm we walked towards the stairs leading to the main floor, chatting about ourselves as we walked the catwalk. When we got to the top of the stairs Amber stopped suddenly trying to move me to the side. As she did I spun on my heels with my back to the stairs and looked at her in confusion. She tried vigorously to grab my hands and pull me towards her when she lost grip, throwing me off balance and back into a solid wall of warm stone.

I froze in place as I felt rapidly heated breaths on the back of my neck. I knew those baited breaths. Amber looked at me with a fearful look on her face but not really at me, she was kind of looking over me.

The man I sensed behind me just stood there for a moment then without pause he was forcing me against the wall face first. One arm around my tiny waist and the other bracing the alabaster wall beside my head. Fear struck me motionless as my internal voice panicked "Oh god, oh god" What was I thinking? I must be crazy to think I had a chance to work here unscathed. I hadn't been here a day yet and look at what was happening. I'm colliding with Mr. hot-headed, testosterone-driven, jerk himself.

I stood silently feeling his eyes looking down at me from above. He towered over my small five foot four frame literally the man had to be six foot four. I moved slightly to brace myself with my small hands on the wall whispering "Let me go Derek." He chuckled in my ear then turned his head slightly behind him.

"Amber, what did I tell you about bringing your little dingbat friends to work?" Amber stuttered as she tried to explain but before she could give a straight answer "Dingbat?" I scoffed lowly. I hadn't heard anyone use that word since I was twelve. "What did you say?" he barked in annoyance in my ear. I turned my head slightly to the side to face him but kept my eyes fixed on the wall before I spoke. " I'm...I'm not a dingbat" I replied coolly. His eyes flashed a moment of shock before a smirk stretched across his perfectly poised lips. "Is that so?" he growled slowly.

Most girls would have caved to that growl and I normal would to but stupid me today I just shivered and stood my ground. Then again where could I go? He was still holding me. I looked at him questioningly out of the corner of my eye for a few minutes then heard Amber's small shaky voice behind us. " I am ss-sorry my aa alpha. She isn't a friend. She is the new assistant." He whipped his face around to sear flames from his eyes at the blond shaking along the other wall. Her head was down so she couldn't make eye contact. What was he up too? he knew who I was and why I was here. Was this some mad mans joke of the day?

"May I go now alpha?" I asked calmly to the wall and shifted my weight slightly to bring his attention back to me and off of Amber to the part that he still had his arm around my waist. " You will go when I say so" he breathed into the side of my face. I closed my eyes as I felt his anger permeate my skin. He squeezed his arm around me tighter and a shiver rippled through my body. I could feel his heartbeat pounding behind me. I waited, holding my breath as the tense moments passed while he contemplated letting me go. I let out a small whimper when his nose brushed the top of my ear. "Maybe you should watch where you are going next time." he whispered into the side of my head just behind my ear. Another shiver ran through me.

"Maybe you should. After all, you walked into me. I was standing still." I shot back with the same tone. He adjusted his arm higher around my midsection just below my bustline pulling me into his body till I could almost faint from lack of air. Then he let go abruptly and I thought he was leaving until he smashed his fingers into the neat bun I had secured at the nape of my neck. It unfolded till waves of my hair engulfed his massive digits. He pulled my head sideways exposing my jugular to his fangs.

Yes, all super natural beings have fangs too!

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