Chapter Eleven

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Serephane sauntered out of the office building and over to the car that was idling in front of her. One of her guards opened the rear door to allow her to get in. She gracefully seated herself in the plush back seat beside her cousin and waited for the door to close. Once closed she turned halfway in her seat and backhanded Talon hard across his face. He hissed and seethed. "You cousin, are an embarrassment. What you've done to that poor girl is unsurmountable. And your actions today cannot be justified. But what pisses me off the most is that you went behind the back of YOUR ALPHA!!" Serephane exploded.

"She is mine." He bit back. "Have you claimed her? what right do you have to her? except for the fact that you have terrorized that girl." Serephane was bemused. "I will claim her." was all he said in return to her questioning. "No, you won't. Do you know why? because she is the potential mate to Derek Markstien's primal. This means cousin that at this moment Violet Everston is off-limits to you. Do you understand me?" she raised a cocked groomed eyebrow at him. "I will not have this alliance soured by your... possessive tendencies. You will find yourself a new prospect to mate. Or I will do it for you!" Talon was about to protest when she hissed ominously at him with stark white eyes that had an obsidian black slit down the middle. And he knew he had overstepped his boundaries.

He thought she was going to strike him again but instead, she placed the palm of her hand on his temple "You are my beta and my dearest of cousin and I wish nothing but the best for you. But... your actions today give me no other recourse Talon than to decline your advances on that girl. She is the Grand Alpha's niece not some lowly girl under his care. Do you understand what is at stake?" Serephane asked him quietly. Talon let out a loud rush of air as he laid his head back on the headrest and closed his eyes. Maybe he did let his temper get the better of him today. Seeing her today unexpectedly and then that prick alpha challenging him. He should have handled himself better. All he knew was he wanted her as his mate, it was just something about her that he needed to possess.

It tore at his heart to see her succumb to that...beast today. He didn't even know what that alpha was in his primal form. Dragon maybe? he definitely wasn't the same as his Father. His scent was different he knew that. The Markstien's were the regal phoenixes in their primal forms. This leads Talon to wonder exactly what was Violet's primal that was so tempting to him and to Alpha Derek's primal. "Sere do we know what primal Alpha Derek is?" Talon asked Serephane. She thought for a moment then shook her head. "Not to my knowledge. I had thought perhaps a phoenix or dragon. But not entirely sure." So she had the same assumption as he did about the Alpha. Maybe he would need to do some investigating to find out what exactly he was up against and its weaknesses.

"I know what you are thinking Talon." Serephane chuckled. "I would advise you to take caution. That Alpha Primal gives off immense do not fuck with me vibes. If you get what I mean? As for Violet Everston. I do see where the attraction and needs to possess comes from. She is positively ethereal. I would want to possess her too." she speculated. "You should have seen her eyes glow when she looked at him. I want her eyes to glow like that when she is mine." Talon said as he looked out the window at the landscape. Serephane smiled gently "I would imagine they were the lightest of blue almost white." she said softly as she pictured what Violet must have looked like.

"No" Talon whispered as if in pain "They were the brightest lavender and turquoise I have ever seen, like a galaxy." Now Serephane was even more interested in this girl. Maybe she would have to try and befriend her before she was able to make an educated guess as to what primal being she was bonded too. "You are wondering now too? aren't you?" Talon sighed as he turned to look at his Alpha. Seraphane just nodded absently. "Perhaps we can research it at the grand library when we return home. And also, find out what Alpha Derek's primal is. His eyes where a mix of blue and emerald green. So let's start with that. There can't be too many primals out there with those eyes." Seraphane concluded.

As they drove out of the Blue Sky Clan's territory and into their own Serephane's cell phone rang from her purse. She pulled out the sleek android and slid her finger across the screen "Hello" She answered. It was her other beta on the receiving end. "Alpha. Is Talon with you?" Sere looked to Talon first before answering with a yes. "Good. I heard he had gone after Violet Everston finally. I told him to leave it." Serephane chuckled "We are on our way back now. I need you to do something for me in the meantime. I need you to pull up and find out every piece of information you can about the Markstien Family, their known primals, and extended clans as well as allies." Talon now looked at Serephane with more interest in the conversation. "Got it boss." the female voice on the other end state adamantly.  They spoke for a few more minutes as Serephane retold what had happened at Markstien Corp. then hung up the line. 

"Britta is going to do her magic in digging up information and hidden secrets, if there is any to dig up she will find it." Talon exhaled slowly and nodded. "She does have her ways." Talon said quietly. He was still fixated on his thoughts with Violet. "Let her go Talon." Serephane stated sweetly forcing her alpha dominance through. She needed him to focus on Derek more so than Violet. She knew already that he will never get her so he might as well quit while he still can. 

"I'll never get her? will I?" Talon huffed. 

"No my sweet cousin, you will not. Not in this lifetime anyways. Best you can do is give her time and hopefully, maybe one day you can just be friends. Work on that first. Work on trust." Serephane said reassuringly. She knew her cousin. He always acted on his impulses and then dwelled on them after, he wasn't as bad as everyone thinks him to be he just doesn't think period. Serephane gave him one more look then turned her head to look out the window in her own thoughts.

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