Chapter Five

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Challenge accepted. What did he mean by challenge accepted? Oh god did I somehow inadvertently challenge him? Did I just challenge Derek's primal? Derek is going to be in a rage like none other when he resurfaces.  Amber watched my face as the waves of nervous terror and humor bounced across it. Mathius had gone back into the office just after he said "Challenge accepted". We didn't wait around this time. Amber was off like a racehorse pulling me along with her down the stairs and out towards the front reception area.

" Amber, what did he mean by challenge accepted?" I said in a small voice. Amber turned to look at me with apologetic eyes. I looked towards the stairs to make sure he wasn't coming down. Amber replied "I don't know sweetie. I mean some primals are very particular in their traits. Maybe he thinks you are the challenge. They love a good hunt."


I thought squeamishly. Was I his new prey?

"Amber, what will he do to me? Oh My God, what will Derek do to me?" I gulped in the fresh air. Amber sat down on one of the chairs and contemplated scenarios in her head. "I don't know Violet. I've never actually stood up to the Alpha before. The guy freaking terrifies me in his human form." She confessed. "But I do know you should get going over to the diner down the street for his breakfast. Let's not find out ok?" I nodded my head at her as I grabbed my purse and keys off the desk. I walked towards the door looking at my phone. I now had exactly 15 minutes to get to the diner, order his food and have it in front of him without incident. I rushed to my car in the parking lot beside the building. I unlocked the door and jumped in. It wasn't long before I was moving down the street. "Siri call Dover's Diner." I thought if I could place the order before I got there then maybe I had a good chance to be back at the office on time. It wasn't two seconds later that the car's blue tooth phone was dialing the diner and one ring for it to be picked. "Morning Dovers, what can I get ya?" A girl said on the other end. "Hi I am in a hurry so can I get an order of one large black coffee, a toasted everything bagel with blueberry cream cheese, and a side of scrambled eggs with bacon please." I coasted to a stoplight and waited for the light to turn green. Then the girl on the other end answered with a chuckle "Let me guess this is for Alpha Mathius?" I smiled widely and laughed into the phone in disbelief "Actually Yes" then it was her turn to laugh "How long did he give you?" She paused and I did too "Not the first time he has done this is it?" I asked her. She chuckled again "No it's a test he does with new employees, If they can handle his gryphon then they can handle Derek" I let out a long slow sigh "He gave me 20 minutes but by the time I got out of the office and to my car I literally only had 15." I quickly scanned the clock on the radio Damn now I had a little less than ten." I won't make it" I said out loud in panic. "Don't worry we got you, cooks already on it." I finished up the call just as the light turned green and then sped through the intersection. I could see the street sign to the diner. Two minutes later and I was out front. I got out as fast as I could without looking like a total psychopath and headed inside.

As soon as I rushed through the door there was a girl standing at the counter with a wide grin on her face. In front of her were a takeout box and coffee. A sigh of relief crossed my face "Thank you. Thank you so much" I said as I pulled out my card to pay her. "No problem darlin'. By the way, I'm Allison and you are?" She said as she took my credit card. "Violet I-I'm Violet," I said as I nervously looked at the clock behind her and smoothed a strand of hair behind my ear. Allison gasped as she noticed the elongated scratch down the side of my neck. "Oh, my Honey what happened to your neck? It looks like you got in a catfight." I absently touched the spot where his fang was. " I'm okay. I just got in a tangle with my brush this morning." God, I hoped she believed that cause I wouldn't "uh-huh. You be careful around the alpha. He has a wicked temper." Allison said as she handed me back my card. I smiled at her and nodded. "Thanks again Allison".

She said goodbye to me and I left. I now had all but 4 minutes to get back to the office. Luck must have been on my side because I pulled up front with seconds to spare. I didn't even take my keys out of the ignition. I just ran in as fast as I could in my heels and passed the desk. I only slowed to pace myself as I walked up the stairs and down towards his office. I knocked quietly on the door and waited. " Is that you? little one" His male voice chuckled behind the closed door "Yes Alpha" I said as I tried to calm my nerves. I'm late. I'm late. A moment passed before I heard movement and then the door opened.

I was looking into a large muscular chest that now replaced the space where the closed door had been. I sucked in a deep breath and raised my eyes up to met his face. He was smirking at me "You didn't wait for me to come to find you little one. I am kind of disappointed." I quietly held up the coffee and takeout box to him. "Put them on the desk." He ordered as he moved to let me walk by. I did cautiously feeling his eyes on me the whole time I moved from the door across the large office to his desk. I set the coffee down first, then the box. "Would you like me to put these on a plate or is it fine where it is?" I said as I turned towards him, clasping my hands in front of me to wait. I hadn't heard him move but he was now standing next to me. "A plate I think." He smirked. I closed my eyes and shook my head slightly in awe. "You can find a plate can't you little one?"

"Stop...calling me that" I snapped. He just chuckled again as he reached around me to inspect the food in the take-out box. "Tsk Tsk" he sighed as he shook his head. Then ran his fingers down a lock of my hair. "What?" I breathed quietly closing my eyes. This was so weird. I knew it was Derek but it wasn't Derek. Derek never touched me like this it was kind of unsettling. He leaned in as he sat on the edge of his desk "You got scrambled eggs. I don't feel like eating scrambled eggs today, little one." I raised my chin just a notch before I opened my eyes to level with him. "You." I breathed in a heated breath before continuing "Asked for a coffee black, toasted everything bagel with blueberry cream cheese and a side of... Wait for it...scrambled eggs and bacon." I bemused in a bothered tone. He sat there holding the lock of my hair in his hand smiling viciously. A minute went by as we stared each other down before he pulled me in closer and said quietly and sickly sweet " I know sweet stuff but now I don't feel like eating scrambled eggs."

That was it. I lost it. "Then sweet stuff don't eat them." I shot back at him, mimicking his tone. That made him growl in the back of his throat. I backed away from him and collected my composure. "Now if you'll excuse me, I was supposed to check in with my Aunt Lydia when I finished my tour of the office. I really need to get to work." I smiled sweetly as I waited to be excused. He just sat staring at me while he sipped his coffee. After what seemed like an eternity I threw up my hands in frustration and sighed heavily. "Why don't you have a seat little one while I eat. Then I will let you go." It didn't phase him! I thought the mention of "Aunt Lydia" might ring a bell to him but he either didn't really hear me or he really just didn't care. He stood from his desk and ushered me into a chair. I sat quietly as I thought about my keys still being in my car downstairs along with my purse. I hope no one will take it.

Mathius took a bite of his bagel and dialed the reception desk where Amber answered. "Amber. I am going to assume Violet's car is still running with her belongings inside it. Will you be so kind as to get them for her. She is busy." I sucked in a breath as I looked at my hands in my lap. How the hell did he know. "Because I can hear it running out front and smell your scent coming from it." I looked up at him shocked he had such good senses.

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