𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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"Tate what's wrong?"

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"Tate what's wrong?"


When I got back in the car Tate was acting extremely weird. His face was bright red, his leg continuously tapped on the brake during red lights. Something he does when he's nervous.

It's obvious the mood changed. He went from happy to looking like he's in distress.

When the movie finishes we walk out the theater in silence. It's completely dark outside, seeing that it's 11 p.m. Suddenly Tate lifts me up, placing me on the hood of his car. He steps between my legs all while keeping eye contact.

"Elena." He twirls my loose curl around his veiny finger. "I have to tell you something baby. And you're not gonna like it." It completely goes over my head that he has something to tell me. Baby. I love the way he calls me that.

"Baby? Since when did you call me baby?" Tates jaw ticks and I already know he's about to freak out. I'm going to give him a heart attack one day.

"W-what? You don't like it? I won't call you it if you d-don't like it." He stutters out nervously, his eyes now staring at my lap.

"Calm done." I kiss him on the lips. "I love it. Now tell me."

"You know your ex...? Jackson." My smile fades at his name. I already know this new-found information is going to upset me in someway. "I saw him today." I try to read Tates face. I can't really tell the type of emotion he's giving off, but it's not good. "Outside the gas station." I gulp. "With Chloe."

In quickness my feet are planted on the ground as I distance myself from Tate.

I was not expecting that. Not one bit. To say I'm mad would not even be the half of it. I am furious, in-raged. I want to break something.

I'm not a stupid bitch. I know the words that are going to leave his mouth next. Yet I decide to ask anyways.

"What were they doing?" Tates eyes shift towards my clenched fist. They widen in concern before landing back on me.


"Tate. What were they doing?"

"Just-, look at me Elena." He grips my face in between both his hands making my heart beat rapidly. "You have to promise me you won't go crazy when I tell you. You're getting upset. Your forehead is dripping sweat and your face is so red, just take a deep breath." His thumb softly strokes my cheek, in hopes of comforting me. It works.

I nod. He's making this situation a whole lot better for me. Everything he's doing is helping. "Tell me."

"I promise I won't go crazy." The comforting feeling disappears when Tates hands fall from my face. I find myself reaching to hold his hands just as he intertwines our fingers together.

Now back in his hold I sigh. "Please tell me."

"I don't know for sure what the situation was about, but this is exactly what I heard..." 3 minutes later. Those 3 short minutes of Tate speaking felt agonizingly slow. I could feel my heart physically thumping in my chest as I process everything.

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