𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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A/N Adelenas house ^^

I'm debating on to what to wear

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I'm debating on to what to wear.

I don't know if I should go classy, fancy, or slutty.
There's so much options.

I mean I'm meeting the girls parents so I have to look somewhat presentable.

"Having trouble?" I turn around to see my mom in her work clothes. A black pants suit with red stitching along with black red bottom heals. Wow. I'm going to have to steal that. She looks gorgeous.

"Yes mama, I don't know what to wear."

"You'll look pretty in anything." I smile at her compliment, my heart flattering.

"I like this one." She points to a pair of black skinny jeans that have a sliver chain on the waist line and a white crop top.

"Thank you

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"Thank you."

"Are you excited about your first day babysitting lovey?" I'm excited to see her brother.

"I guess."

"You know they have a son your age. Maybe you can be friends with him."

"I hope." I respond without thinking. Stupid bitch.

My mom looks at me in shock. I've had the same three friends since elementary school. Amelia, Chloe, and Leonardo. I'm never interested in making more. If I do they're just associates. So for her to see me actually wanting to be friends with someone else is surprising.

"I mean... I hope, because I don't want to be talking to a six-year-old all day. You know what I mean." She side eyes me with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

"Mhm. I have to go to work lovey, but I'll be watching you." She points at her eyes than at me. I can't help but laugh. Before she walks out the door I stop her. This question has been on my mind since yesterday. And I have yet to get an answer to it.

"If her brother is the same age as me why can't he just babysit her?"

"I talked to their mom. He has a lot of sports going on, school. He just wouldn't have time so your lovely father got you to do it." I mumble profanities under my breath, thinking my mom can't hear me. But she did. She always does. "Honey you should thank him. You're getting paid $500 an hour and if they like you they'll give you an extra hundred. That's 3,000 to 3,500 in one day. You'll be richer than your father by next month." She says the last sentence jokingly.

"Are you serious?" I ask in disbelief. Maybe she's joking like my dad yesterday morning. I'm still mad at him.

"Sure am. I have to go lovey, I'll see you later. I love you so much." My mom kisses me on the cheek with her dark red lipstick. Her vanilla scent leaving as she exits the room. I know she's out the house when I no longer hear her heels clicking against the tile floor, along with the front door slamming shut before locking.

That's a lot of money that I will not miss out on. Yes, I can always ask my parents for it, but it will feel very nice to make it on my own and not get it handed to me on a silver platter.

I will be the best babysitter to that little girl. So good they won't ever want to hire someone else.

I leave my hair down in it's curly state, not before adding my hair products. Once I get downstairs I unlock the front door, step onto the patio, and make my way to my new neighbors house.


I'm nervous.

I've never been nervous before. This is a first.

I mean peoples parents always love me so it shouldn't be that bad. Or they think I'm a bad influence. It could turn bad.

I'm going to knock on this door and when they answer I'll act like a prissy rich private school girl. Instead of a biker. That personality never go's wrong.

Before my knuckles can touch the door it's swung open.

A very beautiful, yet hot older woman appears. She's a red head, mid height with a gorgeous slim body.

I think I want the mom instead.

"Hi honey! You must me Adelena." I giggle at her sweet voice. It's like pink skittles in a person. I love it.

"That's me! You're very pretty Mrs. Miller." I respond while walking into her house. Usually I would say that to adults to just be a kiss ass, special treatment kinda girl. But she really is pretty.

Her face heats up and she holds her heart. "Oh thank you gorgeous, so are you. And call me Claire." A tall man with dark brown hair walk's in on our conversation. Im guessing it's her husband by the way he's looking at her.

"Adelena this is my husband Paul Miller." He holds out his hand to shake mine. It's funny, their son looks like Claire, but he has dark brown hair. And their daughter, Scarlet looks like Paul but she has red hair.

"Nice to meet you." I smile before releasing. Soon enough a little girl comes running down the stairs.


My face is in awe at her cute outfit. She's wearing a light pink dress with light pink roses on it.

I think I'll like this demon.

"Scarlett give me my phone back." I hear the deepest, sexiest voice I've ever heard in my life.

The beautiful man I saw yesterday walks down the stairs. I'm speechless, literally. I have never been this stunned over a man, even worst a boy.

His eyes go wide when he sees me. Starting from the shoes on my feet to the hair on my head. He swallows, his Adam's apple moving up and down.

God he's hot.

"Tate meet your sisters new babysitter."

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