Chapter 10

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"Hey Chlo." I heard the voice I dearly missed. "Sophie!" I ran over to her and hugged her. "I can't believe this." I said as I wa salmost brought to tears by seeing her. She just laughed. "How?" "My foster parents stopped the paperwork before adopting me. And so I went back. And I asked if there was any way I could see you, and I was told I could make a trip out to see you guys." I hugged her again and she hugged back. "How long are you here for?" "3 weeks." "We're gonna bring her back when we go get Casie."

After a few minutes my dad said, "Okay, so I ordered chinese food for dinner, it should be here in like 20 minutes. So feel free to do whatever." I smiled then mouthed a thank you to him. He nodded then smiled. I brought Sophie up to my room. And we sat on the bed. "Okay, so I've heard some stuff on tiktok, what has been going on the past few days?" Sophie asked. I laughed then said. "Okay, so Jaden and I were doing a video where we were pranking my friends and fans to make them think him and I were together. And it continued through the day. And when we went to Hype House for a movie night with both Hype and Sway, we continued messing with our friends. And then I kinda just realized I liked him. And so he noticed something was off. And when he asked what was wrong I told him I liked him. I thought I screwed stuff up with him, but then he kissed me. And then he asked me to be his girlfriend. And, here we are." I said sorta out of breath. "Holy shit!" She yelled making me laugh.

"Can I meet him?" She asked. "Yeah! I'll figure out when hes going to talk to Travis and maybe after that he can come over for a bit." "Travis?" She asked. "Travis Barker. He wants to possibly sign Jaden to DTA Records." "Wait! Thats ao awesom!" "Yeah."

C: Hey bub, so whenever you meet up with Travis, would you maybe want to come over for a bit afterwards?
J: Yeah, I'd love too. I think Travis and I are planning on talking over lunch tomorrow.
C: Okay great!
C: Oh, and you know my friend Sophie?
J: Yeah, why?
C: She's staying with me for a few weeks and she wants to meet you.
J: So THATS why you want me to come over. And here I thought my girlfriend just wanted to spend time with me.
C: Shut up! You know I want to hang out with you. But I really want you to meet Sophie.
J: I'm just fucking with you.
C: Alright well I'll talk to you later.
J: Okay baby. Tell Sophie I say hi.
C: I will.

"Okay, hes coming over tomorrow sometime in the afternoon. Also he said to tell you he says hi." She smiled. "Also I want to point out I called dibs on Jaden MONTHS ago!" Sophie said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Remeber when we were on live that one time and someone asked who our favorite tiktoker was and I said 'Jaden Hossler, he's so hot' and then you were like 'hes really not that great. he's not that hot. and I don't see why people are so obsessed with him' and I said, 'Thats fine, that just means I can call dibs' and then we both just laughed at the fact that I really called dibs on a guy." "WHY DO YOU REMEBER THAT CONVERSATION SO WELL!?" I asked. "Because someone had a clip of it and edited you and Jaden with it. And it came up on my for you page." "Oh GOD! I hope he doesn't see that." I said while covering my face from embarassment. "I'm sure he already has. A LOT of people are using that clip." "Of course they are, why wouldn't they!?" I said making Sophie laugh.

My dad yelled for us, so we went downstair and got our food. "Thanks dad." I said. "Yeah, thank you." Sophie said. "Of course." He said with a smile. We all sat down at the counter and ate our food. We talked about random things. Sophie told my dad about the whole thing with the clip from an old livestream comming up and he just laughed. "Just wait till he finds out." My dad said making us both laugh. "Okay, but that was like a year ago. So, he probably will see it and just keep scrolling." I said more hopeful than anything. "Sure." He said with a smile and then him and Sophie both laughed. "Great." I said.

*The Next Day*

I heard muffled talking downstairs and I looked at Sophie, "I'm gonna go see who's here." She nodded and said,"Okay." So I got up and went to see who was there. I instantly saw my dad and Jaden talking and laughing. I honestly forgot Jaden was coming over. I stayed up all night with Sophie, so the exaustion made my mind foggy. I went downstairs and Jaden saw me and smiled. "Hey beautiful." He said. I smiled and said, "Hey." As I walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he put his arm over my shoulder as he continued talking to my dad. "So, what did you guy decide?" My dad asked. "Well, I'm now the newest artist signed to DTA Records." He said with a large smile. "Wait, seriously!?" I said excitedly. "Yeah seriously." He said as he looked down at me. I kissed him passionately. "I'm so happy for you J." I said with a big smile. "Congrats man." My dad said making me smile at how he was also so happy for Jaden.

"I'm so proud of you bub. You deserve it so much." I said. He smiled at me then kissed my forhead. "Well I've gotta go do a few things. So I'll see you guys later." My dad said. "Okay, bye dad." I said softly. Jade said bye as well and soon my dad left. "You look really cute right now." Jaden said with a smile, "I look like a mess." I said looking down to my feet. "No, you look perfect. I love seeing you in my sweater, and when you look like you just got out of bed. You are perfect." He said. I blushed at the compliment. "So, Sophie is upstairs..." I said. "Great, now I can meet this girl you literaly don't shut up about." He said with a smile. I brought him upstairs to my room.

"Sophieeeeeee." I said with a smile, "Chloeeeeee." She responded back. She looked up from her phone and saw Jaden and I. "Oh, I honestly forgot he was coming over." Sophie said with a small laugh. "Sophie, this is Jaden. Jaden, this is Sophie." They both greeted each other and began talking. Jaden and I both sat on the bed facing Sophie, and the part I was regretting most came. "Wait a second. Aren't you who was in the video of Chlo thats swarming tiktok." "HAHAHA! Told you he would see it Chloe!" She said before laughing. "Oh my God!" I covered my face in embarrasment. "Its great when you find out your girlfriend once said you weren't hot, but yet her best freind said the exact opposite." Jaden said. "STOPPPPPP!" I said. I can't belive I ever said that about Jaden. "Maybe you should just go out with me instead." Sophie said, "Yeah maybe." Jaden joked. "I HATE YOU BOTH!" I said making them laugh. Jaden then leaned over and practically laid ontop of me. He kissed my forhead then said, "I really hope you don't hate me."

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