Chapter 8

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"Not until you tell me whats wrong." He said. "Nothing is wrong. Everything is perfectly fine." I said with a smile. Though he definatly knew it was fake. "Chlo, talk to me. I'm your best friend." "I can't." I said softly. "Why not?" "Because you'll hate me." I said. "Chlo, believe me when I say, I could never hate you. I just don't want to see you upset. So talk to me." "I like you Jaden." I said. His face went blank. "I like everything about you. I like that I'm your best friend, and that we do so much together, and the way you make me smile just by looking at me. I love the way you make me feel happy inside just by smiling. And how I get this warm fuzzy feeling inside when I hear you laugh. And I know that we are just best friends and that's all we'll ever be. I know I need to get over you. So if you could just reject me so that way this is all over and I can forget those feelings I have for you, that would be amazing." I can't believe I said that. What have I done. He probably is gonna stop talking to me.

"I'm sorry J, I shouldn't have said anything. Just forget it ha-" He cut me off by kissing me. His hand cupped the side of my face and his other hand grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him. He pulled away from me and said, "I'm so glad you told me Chlo. Because I know damn well that I would have been too scared to tell you that I like you." Jaden and I both laughed. I wrapped my arms around his neck, then hugged him. "Chlo?" He asked. "Hmm?" I questioned. "This might be too soon, but Ive been wanting to ask you for awhile." "What?" I asked. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I pulled away slightly to look at him. "I would love too." He looked at me with a big smile, and then he softly kissed my lips once more. "So how do we tell our friends?" I asked. "Did you forget we were pretending we were dating?" He asked. "No but what does that have to do with this?" "Just dont tell them that today was a prank. Pretend it was all real." I smiled. "Okay." He kissed my forhead as he hugged me. "Can we go in? It's really cold and I'm like freezing my ass off. So I know you're cold considering you only have a tank top on." "Yeah, lets go in." He said with a soft chuckle. He held my hand as we walked back in. I immedeately noticced the not so obvious fake casual positions. I knew they were all watching Jaden and I outside. "Give it up, we know you guys were watching." Jaden said. "Okay, but, we didn't hear you. All we saw was that really cute moment." Addi said. I chuckled then blushed a little.

*The Next Day*

"So, you and Jaden?" Colson asked as we were driving to the studio. "What about us?" I asked. "Is he your boyfriend?" He asked. "You saw all the stuff on social media about us?" "Yeah." "Jaden and I were filming for a video of mine where we were pranking everyone to think him and I were togrther. And then last night, some stuff happened, and yeah, now hes my boyfriend." I said softly. "Stuff happened? Please tell me it's not what I'm thinking!" "EW! NO! I just told him I liked him." I said. "Thank God." Him and I both laughed.

*At The Studio*

I sat in a chair as Colson went into the booth he had already recorded the music for this song. And now all he has to do are th vocals. This one he saw was called Lonely. I sat there and listened to him record the vocals. I could see this song meant a lot to him. He did it once and that was all he needed. He came out of the studio and immedeatly I hugged him. "You guys wanna hear what it sounds like all put together?" "Yeah." I said with  a smile. I stood there Next to Colson, and we stayed in a side hug.

As the song played I looked to Colson, his eyes started to water. As the song finished I hugged him. "I love you dad." As soon as I said that my heart stopped. I hadn't said either of those things to him before. I've never called him dad, and I've never told him I love him. "I love you too Kiddo." He said as we stayed in a hug. "And, this song is amazing." I said softly. "Thank you, it means a lot to me." My dad continued working on his album and I got a call from Jaden.

"Hey J, whats up?" I asked him. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight and get dinner. Like our first official date." I smiled. "Uh, yeah, sounds good." "Great, so I'll pick you up at 7?" "Sounds perfect." "Alright, I'll see you later Chlo." "Bye." "Bye." With that we hung up. I sat there and waited for my dad to come out of the booth so I could let him know. Luckily he came out for a short break. "Hey dad, is it cool if I go out to dinner with Jaden tonight?" I asked. "Yeah why not?" I sat and talked with him for a bit, and I realized it was 5:30 meaning I should probably head home to get ready for my date. "I think I'm gonna call an uber so I can go home and get ready." "I'll drive you. We're basically done, and so this gives me a chance to meet this boyfriend of yours." "Oh, uh, great." I said with a smile. I texted Jaden to let him know.

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