Chapter 108: The Divorce

Start from the beginning

"My dad also had a choice, and he chose to become a drunk loser who still hasn't figured out his own life. And now he wants to make up for lost time so he can feel better about himself? It's not gonna happen," he curtly rambles. He refuses to give Johnny that satisfaction. Plus, he knows perfectly well that Rosalía and Selena will always be on Daniel and Miguel's side, who have teamed up with Johnny. He can't be with Rosalía and Selena while being against those three, it just doesn't make sense.

So it's better to distance himself now before they can fully turn their backs on him. It's less painful this way. Selena feels bad for Johnny upon hearing how his son talks about him. She knows it would hurt him to hear him say this. "Trust me, your dad really does care about you. He's trying to change. So is mine... I really wish you could see it," she gently voices. Robby lowers his head, heaving a sigh as he listens. What the girl is saying sounds wonderful but he's more stubborn than a mule. He refuses to get his heart broken because he believed in a fairytale.

"Everyone misses you... And I don't mean just at the dojo. Camila, Xavier, Adrian, Aaliyah... My mom," Selena informs him. Robby's heart clenches as she namedrops her siblings. His eyes involuntarily flicker up to her when she mentions Rosalía. The girl continues, the sentiment clear in her voice, "My mom really misses you. She's worried about you... You don't have to be out here all alone. If you come home, then the family will all be together again... I just want my brother back–"

Without thinking, Robby accidentally explodes. "I'm not a LaRusso or a Juarez. We are not family," he bluntly states, raising his voice. Selena's breath catches in her throat as she freezes, utterly shocked by what she just heard. Robby's fiery eyes piercing into hers make her feel small. The boy eventually looks away, not being able to look into Selena's distraught eyes. Her words were overwhelming him and he just snapped. He doesn't deserve to be considered part of her family and he knows it. He doesn't need to hear the "we're family" speech again.

It only serves as a reminder of why he doesn't deserve the Juarez LaRussos. The "brother" comment triggers a quote from a certain blonde to come to mind. "All they have to do to get what they want is make a puppy dog face and say please." That really is all it ever took for him to give Selena what she wanted. But not today. "I'm sorry, Selena... but we can't always get what we want," he responds in a calm yet stern voice. He's careful not to be harsh with her this time but still makes sure to get his point across.

With that, he skates away, not wanting Selena to see the regret on his face. He feels awful for treating her like that, but he needs her to stop believing there's a chance that he'll come back. The girl stays put, her gaze glued to the now empty space in front of her. Her eyes begin to sting as the tears well up but she quickly blinks them away. Robby has never spoken to her like this before. She never expected him to say such a thing. She thought that he thought of her as his family too, so his words completely shattered her heart.

Remembering that she's standing in the middle of a skate park, she snaps herself out of her thoughts and turns around, trotting to her car. Once she's in the driver's seat, she takes in a big breath before shakily exhaling. A few tears roll down her cheeks as she tries to console herself but to no avail. "Oh, God," she murmurs as she wipes them away.



Daniel and Rosalía approach Johnny's apartment door—well, more like Daniel trudges to the door while Rosalía follows close behind to prevent him from turning and running away. Just as Selena had hoped, her mother was able to convince her father to make up with Johnny. The couple stops in front of the door and Daniel heaves a sigh, turning to look at his wife. "Why do I have to be the first to reach out? And did I really need to come to his apartment for this?" he grouchily queries.

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