Chapter 4

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A scream pierced through the silent air and Nyx woke slowly. She peered out the window, seeing darkness.

"What," she said quietly, keeping her voice down as everyone else was still sleeping.

She yawned, looking around the darkened compartment before shrugging.

"I must have been dreaming," she said slowly with a yawn, letting her heavy eye lids close again.

As sleep tugged at her again, another scream pierced the night and she sat up quickly.

"What's going on?" Calypso yawned, waking to the sound of the second scream.

"I don't know," Nyx whispered back, unsure if the scream woke anyone else.

"You don't have to whisper," Hydrus spat, "we're all awake now because of your screaming."

"It wasn't me!" Nyx yelled, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Don't lie," he started just as another scream cut him off.

"That sounds like it's coming from a few compartments down," Abe said with a shaky voice.

Nyx nodded, feeling her hands grow clammy as silence filled the air once again.

"Should we go investigate?" Nyx asked, her legs bouncing as she looked over at the compartment door.

"Go investigate the screams? That sounds like a splendid idea," Hydrus said sarcastically, leaning back against the chair.

Nyx frowned, still looking at the door, "fine, if you're such a chicken then stay here. I'll go check."

"I'm not a chicken," he protested and she shrugged, standing slowly and stumbling over the bags in the aisle to the door.

She flicked the compartment light on, opening the door slowly.

The hallway lights were dim and she peered out of the compartment, down the way the screams came from.

Silence filled the empty hallways and a lump formed in her throat.

"Maybe someone is having a nightmare," she asked, peering down the dark hallway.

"Well go investigate," Hydrus laughed.

"Don't," Calypso said, "it might not be that and I'm scared."

Nyx nodded, feeling the same, "I'll be quick and if it's something bad we can lock the door and hope help is on the way."

"Wow, great idea," Hydrus mumbled as Calypso slapped his shoulder.

"Be quick then Nyx!" Calypso whispered, leaning forward in her spot anxiously.

Nyx nodded, walking slowly into the hallway. She closed the door quietly behind her before taking small steps down the hallway.

Each step felt heavy as she approached the cart next to them.

She tried peering in, but couldn't see anything but darkness.

"I think we're fine, noth-"

A scream erupted from the one compartment down, causing Nyx to jump in the air.

Nyx fell backwards against someone who huffed in annoyance.

"Stop falling on me," Hydrus groaned, pushing her back up.

Nyx mumbled a small apology, placing a hand over her chest.

Hydrus sighed in annoyance, taking a step passed Nyx towards the compartment.

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