Chapter 9

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The wind blew through her hair as she walked down the path towards the Black lake.

The wind was cool against her face and Nyx sighed, trying to wrap her jacket tighter around her body.

A shiver fell down her spine as she stopped in front of the lake, seeing the moonlight reflect off the clear water.

"You must be careful," a voice said and she turned looking around.

"Careful of what?" She asked, not scared of the unknown person she couldn't see.

"Two promises vowed together. Deadly bond between you two. A bond that cannot be broken but they will find this magic to be the strongest. The strongest are always targeted. Be careful," the voice said and Nyx frowned.

"A bond between who?" She asked, but sighed as she felt no presence near her anymore.

She sighed again, trying to remember everything the voice said before turning to face the lake again.

"Nyx," a voice whispered from across the lake.

Nyx took an unsteady step forward, watching the water lap forward at her feet.

"Wake up," the voice said again and Nyx laughed, taking a step forward again towards the voice.

"I am awake," she answered.

The water felt cool against her skin as she took a few more steps in. She breathed deeply as the water kissed her knees.

"Stop and wake up!" The voice urged again and she looked around, wondering where the voice was coming from.

"I am awake?" She questioned, spinning in a circle.

"Wake up!" The voice yelled again and Nyx jumped, turning to her left.

It sounded like the voice was coming from right beside her, but she couldn't see anyone.

"I-" she started as she felt arms wrap around her.

She screamed, closing her eyes as the arms pulled her backwards.

Nyx gasped as she opened her eyes, looking around the dimly lit room. She was no longer by the lake and she frowned, trying to orient herself.

"What the-" she started before coming aware of the arms still wrapped around her torso.

"You owe me again," the voice laughed, letting her go.

She stumbled forward away from him, turning to face Hydrus.

"I owe you again?" She said, scrunching her forehead in confusion.

He nodded, looking around her. He sighed, reaching around her and pulling her towards him slightly.

"What are you doing?" She asked, stumbling towards him and grasping onto the railing in front of her.

"I've saved you twice now, so yes you owe me again," he said, leaning against the railing and pointing back to the area where she was just standing.

Nyx turned slowly, looking over at the small area where she once stood. A few feet from where she was, there was a large hole in the ground.

She took a small step forward, looking down the hole. It was a straight drop down to the bottom floor of the Astronomy tower.

"How'd I end up here," she asked herself, stepping away from the hole again, "and why is there a hole? Why is no one maintaining this area?"

"Beats me," he shrugged, pushing himself off the railing, "but almost time for breakfast."

Nyx frowned, watching him walk down the steps. She sighed before running after him, following behind him closely.

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