Inheritance and weird men

Start from the beginning

Let Evan have the house. Let Evan have every ounce of Gold in the Rosier vault, as long as it meant she never had to step foot in that cold mansion again. She could be free from what tied her that place.

"Now, onto your mothers Will...."

Aveline couldn't possible picture what her mother had to offer her. She was a pureblood woman married to a Rosier man. Any gold or anything of value when she married him would've automatically become his. Listened in his personal accounts and records.

Perhaps Elenor had left her something trivial and pointless like old jewelry or an old dress, something that she would either sell and give the boys the money to get something stupid, or give to the girls if it was pretty. She had zero interest in the stuff of Elenor Rosier.

"So to your brother she left nothing," the man explained as he was re reading the will, to make sure he got all the details correct. "And to you, she left the key to her vault and  her treasured gold knife."

As he was talking he took the first two objects out of his brief case. The first she was not expecting, an old looking rusted key that was tiny in comparison to the Rosier one. She was not aware her mother even had a vault, let alone anything to put in it.

The second object though, shocked her, more so because she should've expected it. He opened an old looking battered black box, to reveal the very same gold knife her mother tried to stab her with. It shone in the light as it was mocking her. He slid the box over to her and she didn't dare to even touch it. Just stared at it was if it was an old enemy.

"Any questions?" he asked, anxious to get out of there and away from both of the strange Rosier children.

"What's the number?" she asked, not even looking up from the gold knife.

"Sorry what?"

"The number of the vault? My mothers?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Sorry- sorry Miss I just assumed you would've known it— it's number 13."

She nodded, the man bidding her goodbye and disappearing with a pop. The Potter's had all cleared from the kitchen to give her space, so she sat there for a moment in the silence of the large room. Her eyes still glued to the golden blade.

For some reason she didn't want to touch it. So softly she placed the lid back on the box, letting it disappear from her eyesight.

She looked down at the two vault keys sitting on the table. It looked like a trip to Diagon Alley was due.

"You wish too see vault number 13?"

The Gobling staring down at her seemed to taunt her with his voice. As if he was seriously doubting that she even had the right to be standing in Gringotts.
It was intimidating— Gringotts was. With floors that echoed with every step you took, and nearly 50 pairs of goblin eyed glaring down at you the moment you entered.

Sirius gone inside with her, the boy having money left to him by his favourite Uncle in a vault and wanting to replenish his coin stash. He was standing behind her, waiting his turn to adress the goblins. The rest had waited aside, sitting on a picnic table enjoying ice cream cones not even wanting to step inside the terrifying bank.

"Yes," she stated. "I have the key if you'd like to see-"

"You couldn't possibly have the key to number 13. Out of the way girl— NEXT!"

He was already looking behind her to where Sirius stood, beckoning him forward so he could get of the girl. Aveline jaw clenched, the girl staying exactly where she was.

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