Chapter 16: War on Multiple Fronts.

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Nottingham. Rebel Occupation. (Ethan P.O.V)

It had now been 2 months since I had said goodbye to Penny and Sean. And started rebellion against the Death Eaters. All we had so far was firm control of the city of Nottingham along with Manchester and Liverpool. And all other Hamlets near the area.

"Hey, Liverpool is important!" Jacob told me. "We saved the home of the Beetles!" 

I nodded. Very important to save the home of the Beetles. They were one of Mum's favorite bands. Speaking of Mum, she was still locked up in Azkaban. But I wasn't the only one with a parent in Azkaban. Rath was silent for the next round of days... more so than usual. 

"They got Dad." Rath finally admitted to me when I asked her if everything was okay. "He was trying to get the Muggleborns out of the country. He got caught." 

"I'm sorry." I replied. 

Rath looked at me. "He knew the risks. We both did. If he loses his soul..." She started to say. " least he'll have lost it with honor, not like my Mother who left both me and Dad when I was young." 

I remembered that now. Rath told me. I also saw Chiara walking in with a large Golem. We positioned them all over the city. "Ethan. We got some good news." She announced. I also noticed Jae also walk in and dragging a huge sack with him.

"Chiara? Little help?" Jae requested.

"Oh, right. Sorry. One moment." Chiara ran over and grabbed the sack with one arm. Werewolf strength.

"This... this is a wake up call." Jae declared while panting. "I'm going to commit. I'm going to work out. I'm going to lift some weights... hit the gym... you name it." 

"What's in the bag?" Jacob asked.

Knowing Jae. I could only imagine. "Oh, my God, Jae. I told you not to get that Deep Sea Diving Gear-" 

"It's not that!" Jae interrupted. "This is better." He opened the sack. "Your fresh supply of an air force." 

Inside the sack, was revealed to be a full fleet of Broomsticks. I looked in awe. There were a lot of them. If we weren't in the middle of fighting a civil war, I might've suggested we race them around town. "Where did you get these?" I asked.

"Had to get them from Diagon Alley. Have a felling it'll be my last stint there." Jae answered. 

That was expected. Diagon Alley was most likely on lockdown and wrapped up tighter than the Death Star. Now that the Death Eaters had complete control of London.

"Nice work, Jae." I praised. But there was still one thing about it. Despite the fact that Jae had done a good job. We were still missing something very crucial. Manpower. "Chiara, I don't suppose your Golems can ride brooms, can they?" I asked.

Chiara shook her said. "Unless you want the brooms to snap in like twigs, I don't think so." She answered. 

"They won't do much if they don't have witches and wizards to ride them on." I said. 

"With Northwestern England joining... that gives us... about... roughly 150 more Rebels. I'm sure some of them can ride a broom" Jacob ran the numbers. 

"Still not enough to measure up to the Death Eaters." I replied. "What of the Irish? Have they declared a side yet?" 

"They have. I hear the Empire wanted the Celtic Clans of Ireland to bend the knee. You can imagine how Ireland took it. Not so great." Jacob answered. 

"What about the Emissaries? Any word from them?" I asked. It had been almost over a month since I sent the Emissaries. 

"Any day now." Chiara answered. "Ready to hear some good news, though?"

Kassandra Bauer and the Deathly Hallows. (Book 7)Where stories live. Discover now