Chapter 5: Have we made up our minds our not?

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Flashback. Three Broomsticks Inn. June 19th, 1989.

The Music was blazing in the Three Broomsticks. The cause for celebration... Bill Weasley was graduating Hogwarts. The First of the Weasley Children. And of course, Bill was the subject of attention.

Bill took a sip of Butterbeer by the bar. "7 Cups. Dedicated to 7 Years of Hogwarts. Now I'm all done." He said.

"Feels strange, doesn't it?" Someone standing next to Bill. "That you're saying goodbye to it all." 

"You don't know the half of it, Ethan." Bill grinned. As the young 15 year old Ethan Bauer stood next to him and enjoyed the show. Then he nudged Ethan. "Why the long face? Is this because you're going to have to deal with Fred and George without me, next year?" 

They both turned to see Fred and George and them making jokes around the Three Broomsticks. And annoying everyone in attendance. 

"Fred! George!" Molly Weasley shouted. "Stop jumping around the Inn like a bunch of Leaping Lizards." 

"Come on, Mum!" Fred whined. "We're not jumping around the Inn like a bunch of Leaping Lizards!" 

"Yeah! This is jumping around the Inn like a bunch of Leaping Lizards!" George added and then they proceeded to jump around. 

"Oh, why did I open my mouth?" Mrs. Weasley asked. "At least I'll only have to deal with them for the summer for the next seven years." 

Charlie Weasley walked up to Bill. And his expression looked very tired. "Bill? There's not any chance that you could come for an 8th Year and keep watch of Fred and George for me, could you?" He asked. 

"Sorry, Charlie. No can do. I've got a job now at Gringotts." Bill answered.

Ethan looked stunned. "You still got a job at Gringotts?" He asked.

"Sure did. They were really impressed with my work." Bill answered. "Is that so hard to believe?" 

"No. I always had faith in you, Bill." Ethan answered. "It's just that... you got recommended by Gringotts by... her." He hesitated to even say the name of Rakepick.

Bill and Charlie knew who Ethan was talking about though. They were there as well for it. "You mean, Rakepick?" Bill asked.

"That's the one." Ethan answered. "The one who took Jacob away." 

Bill put a reassuring hand on Ethan. "I thought the same thing. But Griphook assured me that the actions of Rakepick and her association with R didn't change anything about me getting to work as a Curse Breaker." He assured. 

But Ethan didn't sound any different. "I'm happy for you, Bill. I really am." 

"Hey..." Bill put a hand on Ethan's shoulder. "I was just as upset as you were when I found out that Rakepick betrayed us too. I trusted her. I let Ron and Ginny around her. I let... well you get the idea." He said. 

Ethan nodded. 

"Try not to let it get the better of you, Ethan." The voice of Madam Rosmerta said as she passed 3 more Butterbeers. 

"Thanks for hosting this, Madam Rosmerta." Charlie thanked. 

"My pleasure. I owe you guys." Rosmerta thanks. "You've more than earned it. You should all be proud." 

"Madam Rosmerta's right. We rescued Beatrice and exposed that monster, Rakepick. And we rescued Jacob." Charlie commented to Ethan. 

"I just wish he stayed." Ethan sighed. 

"As do we all. But I'm sure we'll see him again." Bill assured. "He's a good man." 

Ethan had hoped that he was right. But he still remembered the words that Jacob has said before he left. 'You're my brother, Ethan. I love you.'

Kassandra Bauer and the Deathly Hallows. (Book 7)Where stories live. Discover now