Chapter 11: Magic is Might.

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Bauer Household (Ethan P.O.V)

The Order of the Phoenix. All of my friends that were here and gathered at my house. Jacob and I had already made the decision that we were going to war with the Death Eaters. Well we were already at war. And yet here we were. Myself, Jacob, Lizzie, Penny, Tonks, Tulip, Jae, Chiara, Andre, Charlie, Bill, Fleur, Liz, Ismelda, Badeea, Beatrice, Corey, Fred, George, Murphy, Erika, and all the other members of the Order, including the Weasleys and Lupin who didn't just run like a coward. Looks like he had a change of heart after all. And surprisingly, Viktor Krum was in the house as well.

And of course there was congratulations that Tonks was pregnant from people. But it was only a small peace as the tension to what I was about to say was going to be said.

"The Death Eaters have just played their hand." I started. "They wanted to take control of the Ministry, and that's exactly what they did." 

"Well, if we're getting technical, it's not the Ministry of Magic anymore. It's an Empire now." Jae clarified.

"I should've known this would happen. It's Bulgaria all over again!" Krum commented loudly.

"And the Death Eaters have already gotten to work in enacting their unfair and biased laws against the Wizarding World of Britain." Jacob added. "Including with what they want to do to Harry and Kassie. Not to mention their new Mutant Registration-"

"Muggleborn Registration." Corey corrected.

"Well same thing, basically." Jacob said.  

"Something has to be done." I jumped in. "The Death Eaters aren't going to rule Britain. Not without a fight." 

"Well, we tried fighting back. We lost." Molly pointed out. "I think that we should take this time to go into hiding. And try to ride out the storm-" 

"No." I interrupted.

"Ethan. This is the best option for us. I hate to admit it. But there's not much we can do to stop You Know Who. We need to think now on what's best for everyone." Molly tried to chime in.

"That's a load of bullshit." Rath commented. Which made us all look at Rath. "If we had that same attitude when we faced off against Trotsky, we wouldn't be here today." 

"Not to mention that some of us are Aurors and it's our responsibility to fight off Dark Wizards, not serve them." Tonks added. "Or go into hiding."

"Says the girl who ran from Filch almost every single day." Tulip countered. 

"What exactly are you proposing, Ethan?" Arthur asked.

"We go to war." I answered immediately. "The time has come for rebellion." 

My friends in the Circle of Khanna nodded their heads. While the Senior Members of the Order looked uneasy.

"That isn't amusing, Ethan." Molly said.

"It wasn't supposed to be." I replied. "We want our lives and homes back and our country back, we're going to have to fight for it. The Death Eaters are administrating their unfair laws, hunting down Muggleborns, and building up their strength, all while we remain in fear and hiding. If this goes unchecked and unchallenged, it will only get worse. They'll believe that no one can stop them. Well!" And I slammed my foot down. "That is not going to happen! Dumbledore left us the Order of the Phoenix. We can't just let his vision of a free future die." 

"The Phoenix may have died, but it will be reborn again. Rising from the ashes." Jacob chimed in. "I remember that lesson Dumbledore taught me when I got in some trouble at school."

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