Chapter 9: The Tragedy of Regulus Black.

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Grimmauld Place. (Kassandra P.O.V)

It wasn't exactly a great night of sleep for me. I remember waking up from one hour to the next hour. The time going by out the windows as the stars were shining around me. The Gods were kind enough to give me this small comfort of peace even for a moment.

It felt like I was in Japan again. When I was alone, tired, away from those I loved. Even though this time, I was with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. But it didn't feel the same this time. I left without getting a chance to say goodbye to Mater. And I missed it when Mater comforted me when I had nightmares. The only time I could meet Ethan and Jacob was through their Legillemens. But they had to contact me. And of course, I missed Neville with all my heart.

I wanted to see Neville again. To tell him I loved him. For him to hold me in his arms. His hugs. Fell his kisses on my lips. Make love to him again and sleep under sheets with just him on my body. 

Well, I was sure that Ryan could look after Neville and make sure he didn't do anything stupid, which was something that Neville did fairly often. I was certain that I would go back to him soon. And then... everything would be good again. And I began to feel good thoughts. That was something to fight for. And I would do it. But for now, I was stuck in Grimmauld Place. My arm from the whip lash didn't hurt anymore. But of course, nothing could compare to the lashes I got on my back. Courtesy of Larisa. 

Larisa's Villa. Greece. 6 1/2 years ago.

The crack of the whip lashed at my back which was already bleeding. Every lash hurt. But I had been receiving those same lashes ever since I was taken as a slave by Larisa. I was 10 now. And Larisa was not hesitating to punish me for disobedience. And in terms of punishment, I would be chained in both hands and feet, a collar around my neck. And getting a shit ton of whiplashes on my back. Then again, the collar was always around my neck when I was a slave to Larisa.

There was another crack on my back. And the tears were coming out of my eyes. "It... It hurts." I cried.

"Good." Larisa replied and then cracked the whip again at me. "Let it serve as a reminder of disobedience to you." She cracked the whip at me again. "It seems that you're forgetting our place, Kassandra. Taking food that doesn't belong to you!" 

"It... I just w-wanted a bite, Mistress." I tried to justify. "I haven't h-had anything to e-eat since y-yesterday. I w-was hungry." See, I had tried to grab myself a bite of food just to eat. Some food leftover from the plate of Larisa. And I tried to take a piece that no one would notice. Just for myself. It would just be one bite. 

Unfortunately, Larisa noticed. And then she had her guards grab my hands. And that was when she noticed the food I had in my hands. And all she did was bark an order to the Guards. "Chain her to the Whipping Post."

"You eat when I say you eat!" Larisa reminded as I was whipped again. "You do what I command you to do! You steal from my enemies, bit you do not steal from me, you little wretch!" And she continued to whip me for another solid 2 hours.

When it was all over, I ended up being locked in a dark cell, still in those same chains, and my back bleeding. Larisa was over me. And she had a pitcher of water over my head. "You disappoint me, Kassandra. You forget your place as my slave. You are mine. You are my slave. And you will always be my slave." She reminded me. 

"I- I will always be your slave." I repeated ashamed of my consequences. I had done this to myself. It was all my fault.

"That's better. And as my slave, you will do exactly as I command. And you will stay locked up in this cell and think about what you've done." And then Larisa poured the water onto the floor right in front of me. I could only watch in misery. "There's no leaving my service. And no one will ever rescue you. They have no interest in one little Greek Slave here. Especially one that's owned by me." Larisa remined me. 

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