Sixteen: Beginning Of A Journey

Start from the beginning

Nakjad is very smart, the smartest I've seen from ikran. Of course they all listened their riders that they're bonded with... I don't know, it just felt Nakjad was.. more. Or maybe I'm biased because that's my ikran. He left, climbing over where the younglings usually sleep and rested there. "Perhaps you should be a trainer for new hunters."

Tsu'tey mused with a soft chuckle, smiling at me and I rolled my eyes playfully before making my way over to Sun. I swung on his back, Sun standing up with a proud growl. "Lead the way Tsu, I'm right behind you."

He gave out a small cry that caught the attention of the riders that would be joining us in the trip. They whooped back, getting ready as I saw Tsu'tey hand raise. My body lowered slowly on Sun's saddle. He let out a low coo, my hand gently patting his cheek. One of my hands slowly lowered the headpiece the rider's mask to cover my eyes. Just in case Sun was to take off, he can very fast. Sun's claws lightly played with the ground, digging in the grass before pulling back. Tsu'tey hand moved from the raised position to pointing forward, the rest of us taking off running at the signal.

Toruk took off in the air, leaving to get the other clans with Jake on the beast's back. I feel sorry for his ikran... Left back for the creature that didn't accept him, left alone so Jake could force the bond on another.

Tsu'tey spared me a glance as I rode by his side, smiling at me. I smiled back, keeping my body tucked behind Sun's head. Keeping my body low to Sun so I couldn't get slapped by any branches. I won't let you take away my home Parker.

"Let's take a breather here and rest, we'll continue in the morning." Tsu'tey spoke as he slowed his direhorse to a stop. The others in party slid off, beginning to set up camp as Tsu'tey made his way over to me. Holding out his hand for my own. "Everything okay Tsu? We could've travelled for a bit more, the sun isn't down yet."

"We're going to need all the rest, once we leave the forest it's open fields. Not much place to hide and sleep from anything hunting in the nights." I nodded, sliding off of Sun's back after grabbing his hand. He smiled, kissing my cheek gently. "We'll be there soon my love, I promise."

"I don't doubt you Tsu." I just wonder if they're really going to join us...? Would they need to? Technically, this is not their fight... Our clans back home wouldn't help each other, we hated each other! I hope the clans here are not like that...

"Tsahìk, can you do the honors?" One of the warriors asked, almost nervous and I looked back at them confused. Sparing a glance to Tsu'tey who chuckled, kissing the top of my forehead. "Like Mo'at said, they look up to you baby."

"Wh-what do they want me to do?"

"Lead them in prayer." He said with a smile, mentioning his hand to the hunters that were kneeled down by the camp they built up. With food that was already packed for the trip in their hands, golden eyes looking up to watch me.

How... How did I become such an importance to the clan...?

"Eywa..." How do I even begin...? These are the clan, they want me to pray for them? My prayers to Ewya have been me fumbling around, asking for guidance! I don't... I... "Continue to watch over us during the journey, pray that we find the help we need, to protect our family, our home. May we finish this journey quickly and safe."

"To Ewya." Tsu'tey said with a smile, raising the water skin. The others repeating it, raising their water skins and I gave a soft smile.

"You... are not... alone."

My ears flicked, lowering my hands with the meat in and looking back in the forest. The laughter of the viperwolves echoed in the night. It was dark, only able to see the bioluminescent in the night. "Is everything alright my love?"

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