16. Isekai's Real Apparently

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A.N: Rok Soo-Hyung's here!

Kim Rok Soo was dead.

He was sure of it... so why was he currently being lectured by a fictional winged-lizard?

The answer to that question...

We'll never now.

"I swear humans are getting stupider by the century!" Hissed the silver dragon it's emerald Green eyes narrowed in annoyance.

Kim Rok Soo blinked...

'What did they say?"

"I'm sorry Miss but what did you say?"

The lady dragon blinked, before giving Rok Soo an intrigued look.

"What language are you speaking in? I swear I already learned all human languages and dialects."

Kim Rok Soo stared at the female dragon with a deadpan look.

"I. Don't. Understand. You." He spoke slowly.

The she-dragon sighed before she began to glow.

Kim Rok Soo covered his eyes, his retinas were not becoming blind... not today at least.

Two human hands reached for his hands forcing him to uncover his eyes.

"Foolish suicidal human you better thank me for this."

Kim Rok Soo stared, half star-struck.

The woman that uncovered his eyes was a beauty with short silver hair and bright reptilian green eyes.

'I guess there are such things as God favorites.'

'Why thank you human.'

Rok Soo nearly jumped at the sudden voice intrusion on his brain.

'Don't panic this was the only way to communicate with you, foolish human.'

Kim Rok Soo looked at the dragon-lady, wondering why she would help him.

Was it a trap, was she an ability user?

'What is you name?' Asked Kim Rok Soo mentally.

'I am Liami, but you will call me Lia.'

Kim Rok Soo sweatdropped at the cold voice, wondering why this woman sounded so vicious?

'Now you foolish human, what is your name?'

'Kim Rok Soo.'

The woman frowned at the name before opening her mouth and saying it outloud.

"Kimm Rock Su?"

The Korean shook his head.

"Kim Rok Soo."

"Kim Rok Soo?" The woman stated.

The Korean nodded his head.

'What are you?'

The woman- Lia raised an eyebrow before smiling.

'Thought it was obvious? I am great and mighty dragon.' She puffed her chest.

Kim Rok Soo gave thoughtful look before-

'I thought they weren't real...'

At that thought Lia deflated seemingly affronted at the thought.


'There was no proof of their existence... much less information pass fantasy.'

The dragon gave a tired look.

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