1. Cool Down

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A.N: It's here!!! Angts up ahead. I used my little brother as a beta tester and it was adorable.

It was honestly very hard to describe the place, it was a dark almost galaxy-like void that held what appeared to be thousands millions Video Tapes from old-school movies. The tapes filled with memories and events that involved one person.

A handsome man with blood red hair. The same tapes kept going showing a giant movie filled with mental illness, self hatred, and guilt. Until finally the tapes stopped at one image, the tape had ended.

The last image was the same man, now the age of forty laying chained to the ground, bloody scars and burns marring the mans body. A painfully relieved look on his face as the light faded from his eyes.

"It's weird seeing your own life in a screen... but man what an unflattering pose I held in the last one." A male voice spoke, sarcasm lining his words with self-scorn.



"Listen dear GoD I do not wish to delay. Which way to the burning pits of Hell?"

"Cale... You're not going to hell."

The man in question raised an eyebrow.

"So where dear lord shall I go? I do believe I seldom not worthy of going into what the God of Eternal Rest calls heaven." The man spoke.

The god sighed, a look of sadness covering his features. They became even more prominent when Cale showed confusion toward the God's empathy.

"Cale, my child, I wish to give you a second chance."

The God reached to the emotionally constipated man gently caressing the mans hair.

"I wish luck, my child."

The God in question began flicker and fade.

"Sir?!" Cale's once emotionless face grew terrified as he watched the only God he trusted flickered like a dying light.

"Cale. I'm sorry. But please, don't worry I'll see you on the other side... If anything not being to remember my favorite mortal child will be the only feeling of guilt I feel."

Cale watched as the God slowly died leaving nothing behind.

A sharp sting then registered on Cale's wrist.

A symmetrical tattoo was placed there.

A dark circle with dozens of arrows pointing outward in some weird abstract design.

Cale blinked back tear before gently touching his wrist, feeling the dark aura of death overwhelm him.

'It is time.'


Hans took care of the Young Master. That was his job, he served under the young man that had a reputation that Hans very much feared.

And yet...

As he stared at the young man laying breathing soft and shallow breaths a surge of undying guilt built up in his chest.

He couldn't believe the servants of the Henituse Household. Most not only ignored him and avoided serving him, holding bias and bluntly admitting they preferred the second Young Master much more than the elder.

Sure Hans would admit the Young Master wasn't as well behaved and studious as Young Master Basen, but didn't give them the right to compare the two.

It made him feel disgust that he too had almost done the same, but no, Hans wouldn't be able to live with himself if he had followed through.

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