11. Everything goes according to plan

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A.N: The ice ancient power is stronger then it seems.

Honestly speaking Cale was a few seconds away from the slapping the fake blond for his lack of taking the dang hint.

It was worse because everyone was watching so he couldn't just pull his usual trash act.

So he did the next best thing.

He pulled his right hand behind his back and made a finger gun motion.

Almost instantly Hong gave his sister a panicked look.

On acted accordingly she looked at Cale and whispered lightly.


Cale forced his face into that of a worried parent and gently grabbed Hong.

"I apologize in advance, your highness but I must end this conversation."

Cale gently ran his hand through Hong's hair shushing him lightly and and carefully carrying him like a baby.

Hong buried his face into his father figure's head and whispered lightly.

"This is embarrassing..."

Cale chuckled, unaware that he had charmed an entire crowd with his caring actions.

It was the after party and the Crown Prince had already charmed all the nobles.

Well almost Cale Thames was not so easily swayed.

Cale currently had one goal and mind, and it did not involve the prince that doubted himself to the point of hiding his identity.

Not that Cale was one to talk, he pretended to be someone else, and look where it took him.

Cale knew the Prince was smart, and if he wasn't so worried on people's opinion he probably could have change people's minds on Dark Elves.

But that was fine, Cale would handle it, but not today.

Today he was accupied with something else.

"Who's that?!" A random noble asked.

"There's someone on the Bell tower!"

'Right on time.'

Cale looked at the deranged bastard that was currently on top of the Bell Tower.

Redika a mage that had the sick obsession and taste for blood and the color red.

The blood-sucker had just made an overrated villain speech before snapping his fingers, obviously expecting some kind mega explosion that did not occur.

Instead a sound that was similar to a vacuum was heard and instantly magic-users of all kinds fell to their knees nauseas as they felt their powers being drained.

The feeling only lasted a few seconds but that was enough for Cale to gain the upper hand.

Ancient Powers were different from magic so naturally he wasn't affected.

"Jalid, Crystelle?" The red-head spoke softly, barely audible through the chaos of the attack, but the two beautiful spirits glowed dimly behind him, eyes glowing dangerously.

"I'll take that as approval." At that the red-head raised his hands and in a holy-looking glow, ice arrows appeared, shooting down at the hidden bombs all around the city.

Cale then clapped his hands sending a shockwave of small water droplets from the atmosphere shaking before sharp hail rained down at the mage.

"I'm not going down that easily!" Growled the mage his eyes gaining a angry feral look toward him.

Snow StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora