9. The lines of truth

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A.N: Enjoy.

Hans quietly watched his Young Master laid quietly on his lap not moving at all.

His outfit had been changed into a simple pair of navy trousers and a while shirt with blue and and grey accents, dozens of rune like gold embroidery neatly lining the smooth silk of the shirt. Smooth worn leather boots that were perfect for running, unlike 'appropriate' noble shoes.

Laying on Hans shoulder's were two rather adorable kittens, one a smooth silver and the other a bright scarlet. Their ears were pricked downwards picking up all sounds around them they did not wished to be ambushed when their guardian was in such a bad state.

"Gin-Gin-Nya! How much longer?" Asked Hong amber eyes filled with hope.

Hans smiled lightly.

"For what? For the Young Master to wake up or to arrive at the capital?"


Hans gave them a fond look trying to stay calm in this rather dire situation.

"Around half an hour until Red wakes up and 2 days to reach the capital."

"I see." Hong nodded.


Hans watched the two kids argue about which one was the favorite. He couldn't help but find it oddly adorable that kids destined to become Top Military Generals could fight over something so... normal... it was quite refreshing.

They were all currently camping out, since the children had starting to get hungry during the middle of their trip Hans decided to pitch a tent and hunt for some food.

With the kids hunting skills combined with his own they managed to catch eighth rabbits and and full grown deer!

Putting that with the numerous herbs, berries, and berries Hans decided to make some nice curry and some fresh kebabs.

So currently they were eating food while waiting for Cale to stop cosplaying sleeping beauty.

Thankfully their prayers were answered.


The ginger butler gulped and turned away from the campfire to be met with... Cale... with bedhead.


"Don't you laugh 'Gin-Gin' now help me fix it!" Despite the rather angry words his lips were curved in amusement.

The cat-loving butler lifted himself from the ground going into the tent the re-head had just come from only to come back with a box.

Instantly a look of fear instilled in Cale.

"Wait- Hans-!"

Before long Cale was on the floor sitting crisscross while chewing on a kebab tears in his eyes... hair perfectly fixed.

The kids were giggling like hyenas at the red-heads misfortune, which Hans was not going to let go unnoticed.

"What are you laughing for? Come here we most come prepared for the celebration! After all it is your debut!"

Before long everyone was dressed in 'presentable' clothes, all save for Hans himself, he chose to stay in his butler's uniform.

On wore a simple but rather beautiful long sleeved black dress.

The dress reached to her knees and had a pretty silver belt, the belt held her favorite pair of daggers. She wore light silver flats that were easy to fight in. (They also matched with her belt so bonus points). Her hair was tied in a neat ponytail bringing attention to the glinting pearl earrings she wore.

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