10. Strut

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A.N: Enjoy. Sorry for any OOC.

The carriage was quite pretty, it was completely covered in black and red tones, the smooth wood and marble seem to glisten as the sun hit it.

Two strong maroon mustangs pulled lazily as it came to a spot right infront of the elite Banquet party being held in celebration for King Zed's 50th birthday.

The nobles naturally grew interested in it.

The carriage held a symbol that none recognized boldly written on the side.

The symbol was a bloody rose that wrapped around a black snowflake dyeing it bloody red. Despite the gothic vibe he entire thing gave it nothing compared to the people that came out of it.

The first person was obviously a butler, his crisp outfit perfectly tailored, his ginger haired styled neatly. The butler opened the door wider and reached out his hand to help the people out of the carriage.

First was a male that seemed to have just reached adulthood.

His red hair flowed lightly and reached his nape, his skin was completely flawless and his outfit was practically made to be worn by the person. The only thing that seemed out of place was the smooth black eye-patch covering one of his eyes.

After the man came a small girl around the age of ten. Her silver hair was tied and a smooth ponytail that brought attention to the very expensive pearl earrings that sparkled in the sunlight. Her outfit consisted of a beautiful black dress with a silver belt that tied the simple but elegant look together.

Lastly was a boy about the age of seven, he wore smooth dark shorts with a button-up dress shirt. A cute navy bowtie giving his a sweet innocent vibe, and straps one that slipped off once again adding to the adorable factor.

The butler snapped his fingers and the horses snapped into action going to park in a place to rest after the long journey.

As the reached the gate the Ginger handed four invitations toward the guard before continuing leading the way for the nobles.

Whispers broke out as they tried pinpoint who these people were.

As they entered the party they walked smoothly everything about them screamed nobility.

They all sat down at one of the vacant tables and began to talk amongst themselves.

"Hong, On..." Cale spoke.

"Yes, Red?" Both kids answered.

"You can eat if you want, It is a banquet after all." He smiled lightly hoping to calm the nervous kids.

Cale could understand why they were so tense, 'Gin-Gin' had given them a crash course on manners and being 'Peasants' they didn't wish to look out of place.

That and the fact that this was their first mission under Cale, they didn't want to disappoint.

"People are staring." Hong whispered as he glanced at the other nobles.

Cale grinned.

"So? They're nothing but extras, remember you are members of the noble Thames line. You don't walk in shame you strut."

"Strut?" Asked On.

Hans smiled lightly.

"Yes Miss On. The nobles have to act like they're perfect, and the perfect way of doing is by 'Faking it 'till you make it'."

Both members of the Cat Tribe nodded their head.

"So nobles don't care what you're doing... unless you act with outmost confidence that you're doing it right...?"

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