chapter 1

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This is it. I am leaving London. I am leaving my family, my old job, my apartment, and, him. Only for a month, but who's counting? Two weeks ago I was offered a job. Basically I just have to write an article on a Barcelona football team. I get to live in Spain for a month for free, it pays well, and it will give me publicity. How much better could this get?

I packed my bags last night so I could just wake up and leave, but I'm still rethinking everything. Did I get everything? Am I bringing too much? Should I even go?

I grabbed all 4 of my suitcases and walked out of the lobby for what could have been the last time, I mean, my plane could have crashed, I could've gotten run over or kidnapped. Whatever. I didn't have time. I waved over a taxi, then waited for it to pull over. Once a taxi finally pulled over for me, I loaded my stuff into the trunk and climbed into the back seat.

"Hi, to the airport, please," I told the driver. He put the car into drive and merged onto the road. Everything I've done in London was going away, I got a fresh start, even if only for a month.


Once Cleo's taxi arrived at the airport, she paid the driver and unloaded her stuff. The airport was big. It had a lot of windows, and a huge fountain at the entrance. She walked through the door, set her stuff down, and went up to the woman at the front desk.

"Hello, I'm here for the 12pm flight to Barcelona," Cleo said to the woman.

"Can I get your name, hon?"

"Cleo James."

"And your ID, please?" Cleo reached into her purse and grabbed out her ID. She handed it to the woman on the other side of the desk. The lady typed something onto her computer, then handed Cleo back her ID, and a ticket.

"You're all set, ma'am, have a great flight!" She said too Cleo. She grabbed her stuff, then took it to the baggage area. A sad looking man took her stuff and put it with the rest of the luggage to Barcelona. Cleo waited for 30 minutes before getting on the flight. Once she took her seat, she immediately fell asleep.


I woke up to a poke on my shoulder.

"Were landing in five minutes," the man on my left said.

"Thank you," I replied, smiling. I packed up all the things I had out on the plane, and then the plane landed. I got off the plane and collected my luggage as quick as I could, but I was so tired, so I ordered a coffee. I had about 40 minutes, and since my apartment and the stadium are right next to each other, I sat down at a table. I took a drink of my coffee, then pulled out my phone.

12 missed calls from Spencer

5 text messages

"Baby please don't leave me."



"You're making a mistake."

"You're going to regret this."

Fuck, I thought I blocked his number. Spencer, my ex, was toxic to say the least. Half the reason I decided to go was to get away from him and his lies, manipulation, and gaslighting.

I finished my coffee, then called an Uber to take me to my apartment.

"Cleo?" A man said out the window of his car.

"Hi!" I said, then loaded my bags into the trunk of his car. I sat down, then pulled out my phone. I spent the whole car ride starring at my phone.

When we arrived there was a short, dark haired woman dressed nicely. I stepped out of the car and she immediately walked over to me.


"Yes, hi!" I said, shaking her hand.

"Harry will get your bags, follow me!"

So this is Spain.

A/N: Short intro chapter because were all here for one thing...

score - Pablo GaviTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon