chapter 11

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It was finally time for me to start my new job. I was slightly nervous to talk with Xavi, I was still a little mad at him. He was the reason I had three new pimples on my chin. Since I didn't plan on having an office job, I didn't bring many professional outfits. My dad mailed out the rest of my things yesterday, so they would get here eventually.

I chose to wear my dark grey blazer and pants, white under shirt, and white heels. I did minimal makeup, grabbed my purse, then left. I walked over, but I was shaking the whole way there. I'm a worrier. When I Got there, I saw Mary for the first time in a while.

"Morning sweetie!" She said to me. Mary had the sweetest smile. Her mannerism made me think she had kids, "I love that blazer!"

"Thank you, Mary."

"Alright sweetie, you're going to be down that hallway on the left."

I smiled, then headed down the hallway. There were two doors on the left, so I checked the first one. The room was empty, with blue and red striped walls. This is definitely not it. The next room was just your typical office. It had a wooden desk, white walls, and a window behind the desk. There was also a white circle rug, and a chair on the other side of the desk which Xavi was sitting in. Xavi stood up, and hugged me. He hugged me!

"Good morning, Cleo!" He said, smiling.

"Good morning."

"First things first, thank you for agreeing to do this. We're all very excited to have you here."

"Of course," I smiled.

"Next, there are some contracts on your desk," He said, glancing at the desk, "There's also a list of things for you to do to get settled in, and then once you finish that, there's a list of content for the rest of the week, after that, you will be the one creating and deciding it. I'll leave you to it."

"Thank you, Xavi." I said. Once Xavi left, I went to sit down. I set my purse on the table next to me. It was nice having an office. On my desk there was a computer, a cup of pens, and the papers as well as a bin that a teacher would have for students to turn papers into. I turned on the computer, got signed into my email, and all the Barca socials, then looked at the list.

Sign into Barca socials - Check

Sign into email - Check

Sign contracts

Put content into a calendar

sad list.

After that, I signed all the contracts. They basically all just said what I would and wouldn't do, like tell people to fuck off, or post anything rude, or political. Next, I looked at the content list. Respond to comments, delete any negative ones. Easy enough. One thing I noticed while going through comments was that people just hated when the women's team was posted. There were so many absolutely foul comments about them. I'll make sure to post more of them.

Fans really liked when Pedri and Gavi were posted, and the comments were absolutely hilarious, but concerning. One said "Gavi is so hot, he could run me over and I would ask him to do it again." I spent the next two hours just responding to comments and dms, and putting things into the calendar. I think I can get used to this. Finally, it was my lunch break. I walked out of my office, and down the hallway. Raphinha was sitting in the foyer messing with his shoes.

"Hey Cleo, how's it going," He said.

"Good, you?"

"Good, good. Gavi was looking for you, he's out front," he said laughing. I rolled my eyes, then walked out front.

"Hey," Gavi said walking towards me. I was happy to see him after last night, and he seemed happy to see me, as well.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Practice just got over. Do you want to get lunch with me?"

"Sure, can we go to Rico's? I love their salads."

"Of course," He said. As we walked there, we just made casual conversation. I was starting to feel a lot more comfortable around him, and I thought the feeling was mutual. When we got there, we both ordered chicken Caesar salads, and green smoothies. We sat down at an outside table.

"You look nice today," He said. I blushed a little. I could tell he thought about how to say that for a long time.

"Thanks, Gavi."

"How do you like the job so far?" He asked.

"Its nice and easy, but I'm nervous to ask the players to film content and stuff."

"Don't worry, It's in our contracts that we have too. If you want, I can send you their emails."

"That would be great." We both didn't talk for a few minutes and just ate our food.

"So I was thinking, there's this party tomorrow night, its on the beach, and were all going night surfing. There's going to be a fire and fireworks, too. You don't have to go if you don't want, me, Pedri, Pablo T, and Raphinha are gonna be there, and a lot of other people, too." He said.

"I'd love to go," I said. We both finished our meals and talked. I really enjoyed spending time with him. Once we were done eating, he walked me back to my office, then he went home.

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