chapter 28

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"What I said on the bus was stupid, I said I wasn't ready, but I don't know why I did, because I really like you, Cleo. This whole thing was my fault, and it's hard for me to admit because I just get so nervous and angry. I'm really sorry." Gavi blurted out before I could say anything.

"Well I'm not sorry for myself. Everything that happened happened, and some of it sucked, I won't lie, but it happened. All we can do is try, and thats what we're doing, right?"

"Right," he looked down, "but I just feel like a horrible person, I mean Spencer kissed you, not the other way around, and that must have been awful for you, and then I didn't let you explain and-"

"Gavi, it's ok. I'm not mad at you," I put my hand on his shoulder. He looked up and our eyes met.

"I love you, Cleo."

"I love you too," I said, softly. After that, we sat there and talked for an hour. It was perfect, we were both happy. Every time he smiled I did to. We talked about pretty much everything, but mostly the team. I didn't really care what we talked about, I was just happy to be sitting there with him with everything worked out.

"It's late, I'll go get us towels," Gavi said, walking over to a shelf of towels. The rest of the team had left by that point which I was glad for because we definitely would have gotten bullied. Gavi came back and handed me a towel, so I dried off, and then we left the pool.

"Walk me back?" I asked.

"Of course," Gavi smiled.

"You have a nice smile," I complimented Gavi. He turned pink.

"Thanks, Cleo. You have a nice..." He hesitated, and I kind of felt embarrassed because he was struggling to find something nice about me. "Well you have a nice everything. Your eyes are gorgeous, your freckles are adorable, and don't get me started on how talented at so many things you are."

Never mind. I internally screamed.

"That's probably the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

"Well there's a lot more where that came from," he laughed, and so did I. I didn't deserve him. We walked the rest of the way to my room, and said goodnight to each other. I decided to pack up now so I didn't have to in the morning.

I had been laying in bed for an hour when I finally gave up on sleep. I texted Claudia who is in fact my only friend, but she was sleeping, so I decided to be a menace and just roam around the hallways. I was getting flashbacks because I used to do that at school. I couldn't stop thinking about what Gavi said. I never thought pretty. Gavi was the first person since my mom to tell me I was gorgeous rather than saying I was hot.

It was strange, because I kept running into the same separate people. I really wanted to go out, but it was late, so roaming would just have to do. I turned a corner and there were people, so I looked away, but I couldn't help but notice it was the boys from earlier. I braced myself.

"Yo, it's Gavi's girlfriend," one of the boys said. I just kept walking, but they turned around and followed me.

"I heard she cheated on him," another said. I wished I could tell them the real story.

"He only got back with her because she works with the team I bet. He could do a lot better."

"Then you date him!" I stopped and turned around. "You're so obsessed with me but I met you like two hours ago. Leave me alone!"

"Bro calm down were joking," one boy said.

"Well great job, everyones laughing," I replied. I was so angry, I felt like Gavi. I started back towards my room. I heard them call me crazy which made me laugh because they were the ones following me around.

For some reason, I was tired now, so I went to sleep wondering if Gavi really did only get back together with me because I worked with the team.

For some reason, I was tired now, so I went to sleep wondering if Gavi really did only get back together with me because I worked with the team

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