chapter 30

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After Gavi left, I got ready for lunch. I didn't have much time, so I just chose a really simple outfit; jeans and a sweater. I took down my hair and brushed it out, and put on a little concealer, mascara, and lip gloss. I sprayed on some perfume, grabbed my bag, and left. I met Claudia right outside where she was parked.

"I can't wait to hear what happened," she said the second I got in the car.

"Well I'm waiting till we're eating," I said.

"You're a real bully."

"So what's new with you?" I asked.

"I'm loosing my patience with coach." She let out.

"Oh yeah? Why?" I tried to sound interested.

"I mess up once and I'm out. Anyone else messes up and it's ok."

"Thats frustrating."

"Oh never mind that, we're here for you," Claudia said parallel parking out front of a small restaurant.

"Let the games begin," I said as we walked in.

A nice looking hostess welcomed us in and let us pick our seats. We sat down by a window. It was very empty, so a waitress a little younger than me was with us very quickly. I got the soup of the day and Claudia got a chicken salad. We each ordered a latte.

"So," Claudia smiled.

"God, where do I start?" I asked.

"Right after we last talked," she said.

"Ok, so he got all mad then I came to you blah blah blah. After that he came to my apartment and we like formally broke up."

"Pause, what happened there?" She asked before I could keep going.

"I was so nervous. I couldn't even speak, but I wanted to break up with him. Well I didn't, but I thought it would be best. I didn't have to because Gavi did, and I just agreed." It made me kind of emotional to talk about because I could just remember how badly it hurt. Claudia gave a sad expression.

"And then?" She asked.

"And then I went ice skating the next day and Pedri chased me down afterwards to ask me out to dinner. I knew it was like against bro code or whatever, but I had nothing to lose, so I accepted. So we went out and it was really weird. We had been at the restaurant for like ten minutes when Gavi, Pablo Torre, and Frenkie came in."

"Thats so fucking weird," she said, and I laughed at the fact that she cussed. "Sorry can I not say that?"

"Say whatever the fuck you want, it just caught me off guard," I laughed.

"They must've put a shot or two in our lattes. Continue the story, this is exciting!"

"Ok, so they sit down, and I can tell by the look on Pedri's face he knew they were coming. Gavi seemed genuinely surprised, though. I wasn't sure about Pablo or Frenkie until those little bitches started saying shit about me. I guess I wasn't the only one this angered because Gavi started throwing hands with Frenkie. Pedri jumped in and separated them, we all got banned for life, outside they revealed to plan. Gavi didn't say anything to me the whole time."

"That's so confusing," she said.

"It was even more confusing for me, but it really didn't matter because I learned one thing, Gavi still cared."

"Thats pretty important," she took a drink of her coffee.

"So then we didn't talk until the bus ride here because somehow I ended up sitting next to him due to a full bus."

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