chapter 21

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I wanted to die. So thats what it feels like to loose someone you love. Maybe it was for the better, I mean all our relationship really did was ruin reputations. After 30 minutes of crying, I had convinced myself it really was for the better. I decided to go skating for the rest of the day to burn off some steam. I changed into my leggings and jacket, grabbed my skates, then left.

The rink was pretty empty because it was 3pm on a Tuesday, so I was able to do a lot of my tricks. Skating just made me feel better, because you can't think about anything else while you skate. When you're jumping off the ice, all you are thinking about is landing. That is why I loved it so much; it was my outlet.

I did all of my old routines from when I was 8 to 18 at least twice. People were looking at me like I was crazy, but I didn't really mind, I mean I kind of was. I hated when people tried talking to me while skating, especially today. Once I was so out of breath I could barely breathe, I stepped off the ice. I saw Pedri out of the corner of my eye. Shit.

"You're a beautiful skater," He said as I unlaced my skates.

"Thank you," I replied.

"Do you skate on a team or just for fun?" He asked. I had no idea why he was talking to me, but more importantly I had no idea why he was here. He just stood there with his hands in his pocket as I took off my skates.

"Used to be on a team, then I quit," I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Wasn't my dream anymore. I wanna be remembered for something more than a sport." I replied.

"Low blow," He said.

"I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry. People care about mens football. Nobody really cares about women's figure skating."

"What is your dream, then?" He asked.

"I dunno."

"Cleo, can I take you to dinner tonight?" He asked. I was shocked. He knew Gavi and. Just broke up. Plus, Pedri and Gavi were best friends. Something seemed off, but I couldn't place it. "It doesn't have to be a date."

"Uhm, are you sure?"


"I don't know," I said.

"Come on, what else are you going to do on your day off?" He asked.

"Ok, fine. But it's not a date, not even anything close. Just two friends, no, two people who know each other having dinner," I gave in.

"Ok, if thats what you want to call it. So I'll pick you up at six, sound good?"

"Yep, see you," I said.

"See you," he said walking away.


Gavi told me Cleo skated when she was stressed. They broke up, it was our day off, I knew I could find her there. Gavi was miserable, he felt absolutely horrible. He told me he panicked and broke up with Cleo, he said she was about to, but couldn't say the words so he did. I could tell neither of them wanted to break up. I just had to get them in the right place at the right time in the right situation. I gave Frenkie, Raphinha, and Pablo Torre each $50 to take Gavi to Marco's bar and grill where I would take Cleo. I knew it would work, it had too.


I had three hours before I had to go to dinner with Pedri, so I got a coffee from the rink. It didn't taste great, but I was tired and needed the energy. I didn't know if Pedri liked me or was just being nice, but it didn't really matter because he was cute. It felt weird, though, going to dinner with Gavi's best friend. He had to have just been being nice.

Once I was done at the rink, I went home to take a shower. Before I got in to the shower, I picked out a pretty white lace sundress and laid it on my bed for after. While I was in the shower, I started to rethink saying yes. Pedri was Gavi's best friend, and they were pretty much the same person. I felt deep down that the only reason I said yes was because if I couldn't have Gavi I might as well take a shot at the second best thing. There was a sliver of me that wished Gavi would call me and tell me he still loved me. Let's be honest; more than a sliver.

After I got out of the shower, I put my hair in a towel, then did my skincare and makeup. I finished drying my hair, then put on my dress. I liked the way that dress cut off just above my knees. I almost cried, I was definitely having second thoughts, but I knew it would be fine. I was going to do everything I could to just forget about Gavi and enjoy the night.

At six, Pedri came to pick me up. He complimented my dress, and then we went to his car. I could feel a little bit of awkward tension, but car rides were always awkward for me. When we got to Marco's, Pedri and I got seated at a booth near the bar. We both ordered a glass of wine. I was enjoying the night, talking to Pedri until I saw Gavi walk in. My heart stopped beating. He walked in with Raphinha, Pablo Torre, and Frenkie. They sat down at the bar, and I swore Gavi looked straight at me.


Yesterday after Cleo and I broke up, Frenkie suggested we went out, so we invited Raphinha and Pablo Torre. I needed something to take my mind off of her. I knew I messed up. As we pulled in, I saw Pedri's car in the corner of the parking lot. I just assumed he was here with a new girlfriend or something.

So much for a new girlfriend. As we walked in, I saw Pedri sitting there with Cleo.

I didn't say anything to the boys about it, I didn't want to make it a big deal because I know she saw me. I wanted to die as we sat down. They weren't sitting far from us. We broke up yesterday and she was already out with someone new looking as gorgeous as ever, not to mention, that someone new was my best friend. I couldn't put it in to words how much I wanted her back already. I messed up big time. And the feeling I got seeing her happy with Pedri was just... well I guess it was another thing I couldn't describe.

"Bro, what is Pedri doing with Cleo," I heard Raphinha ask. It was bound to happen at some point.

"I don't know man, she's just gonna cheat on him," Frenkie said.

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"Dude, calm down, its true," He said, and I snapped.


"Just ignore them," Pedri said. Raphinha and Frenkie were talking bad about me at the bar.

"You knew he was going to be here, didn't you?" I asked. "I might be dumb, but I'm not oblivious."

"What do you mean?" He lied.

"Stop lying!" I raised my voice a bit. Before Pedri could respond we heard a punch. We both whipped our heads to the side where Gavi was attacking Frenkie at the bar. Pedri jumped up from his seat to try and get Gavi away from Frenkie, but Frenkie threw a beer bottle at Gavi and thankfully missed.

"Gavi!" Pedri yelled, peeling Gavi away from Frenkie. It was like a scene from a movie where people are fighting with ballet music in the background. I think that was when I was supposed to intervene with a "Gavi stop, this isn't you," but I didn't care. All that mattered to me was that Gavi was willing to get into a fight for me even though we weren't together anymore.

He still cared.

A/N: beef.

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