chapter 6

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My last meeting was slow and boring. I'm 90﹪ sure everyone there thought was high because my eyes were all red and puffy. We basically just discussed the team, their characteristics, and schedule as well as mine. I wrote it all down, knowing I wouldn't remember it with so much on my mind.

I left as soon as I could. Since I didn't know where we were going, I decided not to eat anything beforehand. I changed into my jean shorts, blue tank top, and white Birkenstocks. I put on perfume, touched up my makeup, then just sat in front of the clock waiting for it to strike 6pm.

it was 6:05 when Gavi finally knocked on my door. I went through everything in my mind just to make sure I had everything, then went to answer the door.

"Ready to go?" He asked. He was wearing a pair of black shorts and a tee shirt, but he still looked nice.

"Yep, will you tell me where we're going?"

"Nope." Gavi replied. He started towards the stairs so I followed him. We went out through the lobby, and luckily the woman from earlier wasn't there, if she was I wouldn't have been able to face her, I felt absolutely horrible. We got into his car that I didn't even know he had, then started driving.

The ride was silent but in a comfortable, not awkward kind of way. He drove for about 5 minutes before pulling into the parking lot of a little restaurant on the beach.

"Voilà," He said, stepping out of his car. We walked in and were seated outside on the deck. I picked up the menu and began reading. I'd never been on a date before, I didn't know what I was supposed to do.




"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Gavi asked me. The truth was I did, but I didn't know how to without telling Gavi I wanted Spencer to just move to the bottom of the ocean, and erase himself from my story.

"Do you ever feel like people see right through you?" I asked him.

"All the time, why?"

"Because that's how Spencer made me feel," I told Gavi. He didn't say anything, and to be honest, I didn't want him to. The moment was beautiful. "This place is cute."

"My mom took me here after my first win with Barca."

"How old were you?"

"I was eleven, this has been the dream ever since."

"Why do you love Barca so much?"

"Mes que un club, more than a club. This team is my family, and I feel like football is my home," He told me. I could see in his eyes that he felt vulnerable.

"Can I quote you on that?" I joked. Gavi laughed.

"So how do you like the job?"

"It's incredible. I mean, Barcelona is beautiful and warm, I love journaling and football, and Robert Lewandowski follows me on instagram, what more do I have to say?"

"I remember when I first met Lewy, I was too scared to even talk to him at first, but then he started making TikTok's in the locker room. Same guy who scored five goals in nine minutes."

The waiter came and took our orders, I ordered a chicken Caesar salad with water, and Gavi ordered salmon and salmon and rice. Our food arrived about fifteen minutes later.

"Who's your least favorite?" Gavi asked me.

"I can't answer that," I said, but I knew exactly who it was.

"Yes you can, I won't tell."

"Starts with J.'

"Jordi Alba."


"Who's your favorite, then?"

"He's sitting across from me."

"I'm flattered," he said. His cheeks turned red.

"Those younger kids are really something else."

"Don't be fooled, they play Roblox all day," He said, which made me laugh, I was fighting the urge to confess my love to him. He had the most beautiful eyes, and sweetest laugh.




We finished our meals, then took a walk down the beach while the sun set.

"What is it like being in the public eye, I mean you're only 18, it must be hard."

"If I'm being honest I hate it. I wish I could pursue football without it," he said. After we finished walking the beach, we just sat down to watch the waves crash under the sunset, and it was beautiful. He was holding me in his arms, and I felt ok for the first time in a while. Neither of us said anything until it was pitch black.




"We should go," he said. We stood up and wiped the sand off ourselves, then drove home. The car ride was just like the way there, but better somehow. When we got back, he parked down in the parking garage, then he walked me up to my apartment.

"Thank you for tonight," I said, opening my door.

"Any time," He said. And then there was that silence again. We were standing inside my apartment right in front of the door when he leaned in and kissed me. He latched onto my bottom lip and gently pushed me onto the door, wrapping his arms around me.

"Goodnight, Cleo," He said, pulling away.


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