Honestly, he was the first to notice the way Casey looked at the brunette, yes April really was pretty, but that went from just 'admiring what's beautiful' to 'drooling over what's beautiful'. A spike of discomfort followed her spine.

"She will love me until I die." he said sarcastically.

He unlocked the phone, for some reason he felt like he had received a message, but nothing. He looked for a while at the background photo, which for many years was a photo of himself was now a photo of April, when they were playing video games together, although she was not looking at the phone, but at the screen being projected on it. I was still smiling looking at it.

It had been a short time since Donnie discovered what love was and consequently what it was to be in love, in which case he felt nervous, noticeably dumber and inconsequential.

"What did you do to me O'Neil?" Donatello muttered before going back to work on Shelldon.


April decided, since the apocalypse didn't happen that she was going to live her best life. That is, she was going to confess to her crush, which she hid for so long.

Lying in bed with Mayhem at her side, she tried to think of what to say.

'I know it's kind of out of the blue...but I like you a lot...'she thought, no that wasn't good, 'I wanted to know if you wouldn't like to go out with me?' no, hell none of her ideas were any good. Because it was so difficult to confess your love, in books, movies and series it seemed so much easier.

"Mayhem, any idea how I can confess?" She said picking up the pet and holding it out and looking at it "Apparently you don't have any idea either. Your luck is that you are adorable." She said putting the pet down and hugging him.


Casey was still being interrogated by Mikey, well if it was for one of them to know it would be better Michelangelo than Raph, since he didn't know the reaction of the tortoise.

"Master Michelangelo, if I tell you what happens in the future, will you be quiet and help me to prevent things from ending in a bad way?" He asked holding the turtle's shoulders. The box turtle just nodded.

Casey spent almost an hour trying to explain with the smallest details, how their relationship started, some things like: First kiss and first fight - yes, Mikey wanted to know that - he couldn't explain, even how the two ended up hiding the fact that they both died.

"So you're telling me..." Mikey started before getting excited "That April and Donnie are together in the future!" He was very happy "I have to tell them!" Mikey was very happy.

"Master Michelangelo, you can't talk to them." Casey chimed in.

"Why the hell?" Mikey looked confused.

"Because if not both of them will suffer a lot, I want to prevent what happened before from happening."

"Do they suffer a lot?" Mikey asked.

"Commander O'Neil never cried until she lost Donnie." Casey responded in a sad tone.

"So it's my duty as April's good brother and good friend to help both of them be as happy as possible." Mikey was determined.

"MIGUEL GOES TO SLEEP!" Leo yelled from his room.

"Sorry Leo." He awkwardly.

The two went to sleep taking into account their situation, the two woke up earlier than usual to plan what to do, something that helped Casey to wake up earlier was the nightmares he had, Mikey was in charge of staying by his side when that happened. The boy has been through so much that Michelangelo felt sorry for him, only recently - for example - Casey got to taste a piece of Pizza.

The two spent the morning thinking about how to keep the two from fighting, the two from being sad, or one of them getting hurt. In the afternoon April appeared during the afternoon, different from her energetic and lively appearance the brunette looked...nervous.

The five - Raph, Leo, Mikey, Casey and Splinter - were sitting in the room, the boy tried to figure out how the girl got so nervous. Something was going to happen, after she greeted everyone, the brunette walked slowly to Donnie's lab, Mikey and Casey exchanged glances and waited a while before following the girl.

"This is not good." Casey whispered to the box turtle.

"shhh... let's see what happens." Mikey whispered.


April was nervous, she knocked on the lab door.

"Nardo if you're bothering me I swear I'll throw you out of the turtle tank the next time we go out..." He said irritably before answering the door. "A-April!"

"Hi Dee, can we talk?"

Donnie still embarrassed that April - despite having heard it several times before - overheard him threatening his half-twin. He blushed a little, April for some reason was nervous and that made him nervous.

"Clear." He said, showing the way that she already knew by heart.

April stopped and took a deep breath, 'O'Neil, you can do it! You've fought many before, just open your mouth and talk.' she thought quickly.

Donnie sat in the chair, one leg half crossed, she simply opened her mouth and spoke quickly.

"Donatello wouldn't you like to go on a date with me?"

Donnie looked shocked, this could only be Leo's unfunny joke, he was ready to say no before he remembered Casey's words 'She will love you to the death'. His mind finally reasoned with how that would be possible, it would only be possible if it was April.

"Can I think for a while?" he asked nervously.

"Sure..." She replied, dammit, she made him uncomfortable "M-text me when you decide."

She left, Mikey and Casey face each other. And then before the boy could protest the box turtle came through the door snarling.

"Do you have Raph's brain by any chance?"

"Good afternoon to you too Angelo." Donnie said sarcastically.

"Why didn't you say yes to April?" he asked confused.

"You were spying on me?!" Donnie asked offendedly.

Before Mikey could answer the question, Casey walked in.

"First of all, it's rude to spy on someone. Second: That must have been a prank on Leo."

"Was not." Casey spoke in a serious tone." April really likes you."

Donnie looked unimpressed.

"Donatello she is the person who loves you to death."

Donnie wanted to hit himself, of course he was! April was the person who knew him best and - quite frankly - she was the only person he would ever get into a relationship with. He looked puzzled, Mikey whispered something about breaking the Soft-Shell, Casey asked if he was ok, Donnie just nodded.

"If you'll excuse me, I'm going to make a call." Donnie said getting up.


A/N: This is just a set up for the sequel. Wait patients.

April x Donnie - oneshots Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now