Aaron buries his nose into the mess of hair near my neck, nuzzling against my skin and lightly running his lips over me. I can't even begin to be self-conscious about the layer of sweat that must be covering me because of the way Aaron seems to care so little about anything but touching and kissing me for the first time.

His soft, full lips find mine once again and we melt into each other, but this time his hands gain some confidence and dip low enough to grab my thighs, surprising me by easily lifting me up. My limbs automatically wrap around him, and I can feel his length pressing against my core through my leggings and his shorts, not able to help myself from grinding a little against him and leaning back to see his reaction.

He quickly spins us so that his back is to the bench, backing us up and lowering himself to sit with me perched in his lap, both legs on either side of him and forcing gravity to do our work for us. I sink down onto him. We both moan as we align so perfectly, his erection barely contained in those shorts, feeling so good between us.

I look directly into those piercing eyes as I sit up with my arms around his neck and rock against him, teasing him with the slightest touch of my lips each time, letting him try to follow me with his own each time I roll my hips back.

Aaron is a moaning mess, and never once has doing something so simple, practically innocent, turned me back into a teenager with the way I'm reacting to this. Neither of us could give less of a shit that we're dry-humping in a semi-public locker room in my gym, simply focusing on staying together for as long as this feeling can last.

"Maddison. Mad—fuck. I'm gonna," He groans and I nod feverishly, but I don't speed up. Keeping us in a good rhythm and getting both of us all worked up like this, I finally let him kiss me, loving the way his strong hands tighten on my hips as his instincts tell him to help me get us there.

"Aaron, ah. You feel so fucking good, baby," I tell him, biting his bottom lip as I ride him until he comes in his pants like a teenager untouched. I do the same, cursing as I start to shake on top of him as my orgasm overtakes me, my body convulsing like I just had the best sex of my life.

We breathe heavily like that for a while, our foreheads pressed together despite the light layer of sweat covering us both from the exertion. When I start to move, Aaron stops me with his hands and he shakes his head as he meets my eyes, vulnerability shining through.

My hands glide through his soft blonde curls and I tug, bringing our faces closer once again. "I'm going to get you a change of clothes because you and I both need new underwear. I'm not going anywhere," I assure him, hating myself for making him feel like he needs to hold me close or suffer me leaving him forever.

I slide off of his lap and rifle through my locker, finding a spare pair of basketball shorts that will fit him and tossing them to him before entering one of the bathroom stalls on the other side of the room and giving him some privacy to change.

When I return, his clothes are neatly folded and I wordlessly pass him a bag to put everything in, smirking up at him because we now share this secret. It's fun to have this moment with him.

"What about you?" He gestures to my same pair of shorts as we walk out hand in hand and I press my lips together, looking forward and smiling secretly.

"I'm not wearing any underwear, if that's what you're asking," I say nonchalantly and have to tug on Aaron's arm to get him to keep walking as he stops in his tracks. "Who knew you were such a dog, Prince? Looks like you have dreams and desires just like the rest of us sinners."

"All of them involve you, I promise," He tells me and I can't help but blush, still needing to get used to his unpracticed and genuine flirtation.

"Let me drop you off and we can shower," His head snaps to mine and I throw my head back laughing, "Separately, lover-boy."

"Really? Uh, yeah. I'll be right over," I hear through the phone and hang up, sighing as I lean over the back of my couch. I don't know if it's the guilt from the sexual experience that I shared earlier in the day with her brother, or if it's some sort of bridge-building on my part with my soccer captain, but Charlotte is now on her way to my loft to see her dog and I'm the one that initiated it?

Moony whines at my feet for me to pick her up because she's still too small to jump onto the couches and she likes sitting on anything she deems comfortable, so basically anything but the floor.

"You're such a suck," I say as I give in immediately, lifting her up and putting her on my lap, allowing her to get comfortable before returning to my phone, checking for any texts in case Charlotte doesn't remember the way here.

I don't realize I'm petting Moony until she wiggles enough in my lap to bare her belly to me, asking me to pet her there too. I can't help but roll my eyes at the little beggar. "You ask too much," I tell her, rubbing her coarse fur and stopping every time she starts biting me with her little razor-sharp fangs. My hands are covered in little puncture wounds from playing with her and I'm so looking forward to them all falling out as she gets older.

"Gremlin," I grumble, my head snapping up shortly after to the sound of the buzzer of my building, letting me know that Charlotte has arrived and is waiting downstairs. I buzz her up, Moony tripping me as I walk by weaving in between my legs.

A knock at my door sounds and we go to answer it together, carefully pulling the door open so as to not smash the dog in the face. My expression doesn't outwardly change when Charlotte appears in front of me, but Moony practically does a backflip, peeing all over the floor when she spots her. I roll my eyes, leaving the two of them to get cleaning products and Charlotte apologizes profusely in that accent of hers that grates on my nerves a little less every time I see her.

"It's fine, she does this like seven times a day," I tell Charlotte. "At least it's not on your dorm carpet anymore."

"True. I guess I wasn't expecting you to be so..."

"If you say maternal I'll give her back," I joke, but even saying it out loud makes my chest feel tight at the thought of once again being alone in this apartment. Waking up every two hours to take Moony outside is nothing compared to the silence before her little footfalls and whimpers in the night started to wake me up from my nightmares.

Charlotte laughs and I stand there awkwardly, realizing that this is probably the second time that the two of us have ever been alone in a room together, and the only thing that we have in common is soccer and her brother. The latter is very much not an appropriate topic of conversation, nor is she aware of whatever it is that we're doing, so I bring up the former.

"So...odds we beat Hartford?"

"Well, they have the advantage, being home and all..." She starts and I can see the determination in her eyes. Those fucking eyes that are identical to her brother's. I look away as she continues. "But we can crush them. It'll make them comfortable to be on their own turf. Literally."

"We know better than to ever get comfortable. You would never let us," I joke.

"You're right about that," She says and I point behind my shoulder, suddenly done with the small talk.

"I'm just gonna go grab her shit," I turn to get her harness, leash, and a roll of bags for Charlotte to have while she takes Moony for a walk, or for the day, whatever she decides. "I'll be here all day working, so just text me when you want to bring her back."

"Did you maybe...want to join us?"

I blink a few times before realizing that the question was directed towards me, as I'm the only other human in the vicinity. "Sure," I try my best to make it sound certain but it comes out as more of a question and I inwardly cringe.

"Lovely. We can wait here if you need to gather anything. You don't need to stay with us for long if you don't want to either. Can always leave us to our own devices once you get sick of us."

"I don't mind having her with me," I assure her, grabbing my phone and keys off the table by the door and nodding my head towards it to say that I'm ready, letting Charlotte lead the way and I follow, the two of us walking our dog side by side without bickering, and without Reed acting as a barrier.

"So..." She starts. "What's going on with you and my brother?" 

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