i'll be there for christmas

Start from the beginning

"For all you know I'm a paying customer!" the woman yells after her as Janis stalks into the shop.

"I'm not on the clock yet!" Janis retaliates. "Have a fucking fantastic day, enjoy trampling people!"

"Hmph!" the woman huffs, rushing off down the sidewalk. Janis shoves her way back through into the employee area to clock in.

"What the fuck have you done?!" Damian yells, slamming the door open after her.

"What?" Janis sighs, swiping her employee ID card through the system.

"Do you have any idea who you just yelled at on the fucking sidewalk?!"

"Some blind businesswoman? She fucking knocked me on my ass, I was well within my right to yell."

"That was Cady Heron!" Damian insists. "As in heiress to Heron Enterprises and fucking billionaire, Cady Heron!"

Janis freezes mid-step on her way back to the main shop. "You're kidding me."

"No! You fucking- oh my god, Janis!"

"I just yelled at the daughter of the person who owns my entire apartment complex."

"He owns half the city, Janis."

"I just called the daughter of the person who owns half my city a fucking nutcase."


"Alright, look, if I get crucified just... deal with my affairs and I love you dearly. Just don't... don't think about what just happened."

"You yelled at a billionaire!" Damian insists.

"Yes! Continue to remind me of that, thanks a fucking million."


"I'm gonna pour hot coffee. All over you. And everything you love," Janis grumbles, taking her spot behind the counter.

"Tie your damn shoes."

"Hot! Coffee!"


The next morning gets off to a smoother start. Damian personally set no fewer than fifteen alarms for her, so she's up well within a reasonable amount of time.

She can walk instead of sprint today, as she carefully adjusts her freshly washed and ironed uniform.

"Ms. Sarkisian?" a voice asks as she fluffs her hair out from the collar of her polo. Janis turns on her heel and sees a man in a full three-piece suit standing by a very fancy car. He's even got one of those funky little handkerchiefs in his pocket. And little white gloves.

"Maybe. Who's asking?"

"In the car, please, madam."

"I don't think so," Janis replies, turning back around. "Have a nice day."

"Miss, I really must insist-"

"Look, I don't know who you are or what you want with me, but I have a shift to get to. Enjoy your gloves."

"Ms. Sarkisian," a woman's voice says. Janis turns around again and sees a woman standing behind the now open door to the backseat. Janis winces when she sees it's her. From yesterday. "Please."

Janis looks suspiciously between the two of them. The... driver, Janis presumes, gestures gently to the very expensive car. Janis shoots each of them one last look before she slowly makes her way over and gets in. The woman smiles like the cat that got the canary as she takes the far seat.

"Whoa," Janis whispers as she sees the interior.

"Coffee?" the woman asks as they start driving.

"Oh, um... no, thank you. I, er... get enough of that in my day to day. Listen, I'm so sorry about yesterday, I had no idea who you were and I really can't afford to be sued right now-"

cadnis oneshots so i can get some f*cking sleepWhere stories live. Discover now