"I can't."


He can't!!

My mind raced with rejection. Why couldn't he?? He just kissed my face, not my mouth but close enough. I pushed myself away from him and stomped to the surf, letting it hit my legs and splash up to my dress, soaking me. 

"Mila...you're drunk. I am not one of those guys who....who takes advantage of women in the bars like that."

A much bigger wave slammed onto me, almost knocking me off my feet. Luca jumped into action and scooped me up under my legs and mid back. He carried me back from the water. I reacted differently than my mind wanted me to...I clung to him. My face was pressed into his neck. I inhaled. He still smelled faintly of cologne, which was intoxicating. His muscles flexed and moved under my arms. My god this man was built to do physical work. 

"Don't think I don't want to."

"What do you mean?" I asked lazily. 

He sighed in frustration. I guessed I was more buzzed than I thought. Stupid alcohol. I should have paced myself more. Or maybe not gone to the club at all. Luca asked if I was going to be there, hinting that he wanted to see me though. This was all too confusing, especially in my state. 

"Where do you live? I want to make sure you get home safely."

What a gentleman. I gave him my address, without thinking anything untoward of it. I hoped I could trust him. Something inside said I could...he reminded me of my granddad in a way. Always doing the right and honorable thing. If he were still alive he would no doubt get along well with this marine. 

Once we hit the pavement, I felt myself tighten. Luca gently set me down on my feet. We had shed our shoes over here and I slipped my heels back on. Bits of sand were stuck to my feet and they felt gritty, making walking unpleasant. Luckily I lived only a few blocks away. I could handle it. 

"You ok to walk?" He asked, concern in his voice. 

"Oh yeah....I can walk in heels in snow if I need to." 

He chuckled at that. I smiled up at him and he held out his arm for me to hold onto. He kept surprising me, with the level of courtesy. It made some sense but really, for a big strong marine, this was unexpected. How in the hell did he not have a girlfriend? Or a wife for that matter? Most women would snatch him up and not let go. Maybe I should ask him. 



"Do you have a girlfriend?"

His arm flexed as we walked across the empty intersection leading to my street.

"I used to...but not anymore."

"How long ago was that?" I asked, my spare hand gripping his forearm.

"It's been about a year." He said. "I think your house is coming up." 

He finished abruptly. There was more to this story, I was sure of it. But I wouldn't find out tonight. 



I saw him coming towards me in the crowd. We were in a big city, and the place was packed with people. I smiled, looking at the man that I had wanted since I felt his hands on my hips. The man that smiled back at me with hazel eyes and tanned skin. His muscles were on display in his fitted suit, sans jacket. He held it in his hand, the fabric a rich grey. Lord was he hot as anything. 

Before he got to me though, another woman crossed my path and he reached her first. His arms lifted her up under her butt, her dress fluttering in the air as her legs dangled. My mind went blank. Why was Luca touching someone else? What was going on? I watched in anguish as he bent his head to kiss her passionately. 

Chirp Chirp...

I sat up in the bed, awoken by my phone. My back was lightly damp from sweat. My dream. Luca. I reached up and ran fingers through my hair. It was tangled and a mess from falling asleep after going out, and not showering. The dream felt real. The kind that stick with you all day, and you can't get the images out of your mind. 

My phone chirped again so I begrudgingly grabbed it and looked at who was sending me texts. 

Morning. I just dropped off some coffee and breakfast on your porch. 

Hope you feel better today, you threw up in your bushes last night. 

It was from a number with no name, which was odd, I always saved a name in my phone for numbers. Was it from the blonde marine? Or Luca? I didn't remember giving either my phone info. This was so embarrassing. What should I do? Or say? What the heck, I decided to reply back.

Who is this?

Not very suave but I was feeling hung over, and like I had been sleeping on the beach, which isn't a glamorous thing. 

It's Luca. Save my name in your phone.

So it was Luca. Good. Now I know the hottest marine had seen me throwing up. It couldn't get much worse than that....

Oh and I didn't look when you got undressed, I left shortly after. In case you were wondering. Enjoy your day Mila.

I got undressed in front of him!! My face flushed with the leftover alcohol and sheer embarrassment. How mortifying. And not at all sexy. If I ever get lucky enough to be naked in front of Luca, or even in my underwear, I want it to be with him looking...or better yet, him helping me. So he turned around as I drunkenly got out of my dress, and he left like a gentleman. And now, the morning after, he brought me food and coffee. 

Why again was I not dating this man?! 


**This story is only found on Wattpad. If found on another site, it was stolen. Thank you for reading.💋**

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