"I don't know if you know it, but the emperor was married. The late empress of Eldia, Empress Marie D'aureville-Smith was his wife and mother of the royal twins. Prince Evan and Princess Eleanor D'aureville Smith." 

Y/n kept her eyes somewhere, she stayed quiet and kept listening to Sir Levi.

"The late Empress was his majesty's first love. After the emperor took the throne, he married Empress Marie and they were blessed with royal twins. Everyone was supportive of their relationship, especially the commoners. Empress Marie was a good wife to his majesty, a loving mother to their twins, even if she was only with them for a short time and a good empress to the Eldian people. Unfortunately, she died from a disease. Until now, the people are still missing her, even the Emperor. She's a remarkable woman, my lady. That's why...his majesty loves her a lot."

Sir Philip clenched his fists, he stared at Y/n, and noticed how Y/n's emotion changed. Somehow, she looks upset.

"...my lady, I will be frank with you." 

Y/n looked at sir Levi. "Go on."

"The Emperor...hasn't forgotten about the late empress, and I don't think he ever will. So please don't expect for him to love--"

"I think that's enough, Sir Levi." 

Levi wasn't able to continue what he wanted to say when Sir Philip spoke.

"It is very rude to talk about the Emperor's late wife in front of his fiancé."

The raven-haired man kept a stoic face.

"It's fine, Sir Philip. I want to know, too."

Sir Philip was about to protest but Danaya  already pulled him out of the pavilion.

Y/n sighed. "I apologize, Sir Levi."

"It's fine. Sir Philip was right." 

"He may be. But I still want to know. Please continue with what you were saying." 

Levi stared at Y/n, straight in her eyes.

"Please don't expect his majesty to love you...that soon after you two get married."


Y/n smiled, yet it was filled with sadness.

"Sir Levi." 

The h/c-haired lady stood up.

"I never agreed to our marriage because of that...I only agreed because I have to and I care for our people. That's why you don't have to worry about me hoping for Emperor Smith to love me in our marriage. I'm marrying him for the people's sake. Not for love." Levi stiffened on his place.

He watched as Y/n made her way out.

So cold.

Yeah...even if she's kind.

There's still coldness in her existence.

"I had a good time with you today, Sir Levi. I apologize but I have to go now. I have to meet someone else today. Thank you for the time. Now I know a lot about my future husband. I won't have to worry that much."

Levi only watched as Y/n left.

A very warm yet cold person. 

That's how Y/n Tybur is.


"Announce my arrival."

Sir Philip and Danaya stared at their lady with a terrified look, seeing how serious and intimidating Y/n looks right now.

Thy Empress (Erwin Smith x FEM! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now