Chapter 23

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Week 3 – Wednesday

(TRACK – Young and Beautiful)

Time seemed to fly by when you partnered with Kirishima. The two of you shared a special kind of chaos. When he spotted you through your routine, catching your wobbles and taking your trust in his hands, it was hard not to giggle or make a mistake into a joke somehow. He was like a breath of fresh air from this stuffy school of precision and perfection. Who knew doing ballet the 'wrong' way could be fun?

From your spot in the doorway, his head of messy, red hair was poking around in heaps of tangled costumes. It had been the other day, when he saw the edge of a ruffled tutu sticking out from the crack in the storage closet. His eyes lit up, and he insisted on seeing you try one on. Costumes and dancing was so familiar, you'd often forget that for the class of UA, every tried and true experience for you was a new one for them. "Only if you wear one with me," you'd joked, but he honored that deal in a heartbeat.

"Found one!"

A ruffled red tutu came flying at you, landing around the top of your bun like a strange sombrero.

"Your ability to find treasure still amazes me."

"It's all about what you consider treasure." He smiled over his shoulder. "One man's garbage is another man's gold."

With the way Kirishima saw the world, everything could be gold in his eyes. Maybe even a nobody like you. Despite your class shenanigans (which would get you a scolding here and there from the Director), he'd done nothing but show you kindness since day one, seeking maybe friendship, if that counted.

Out in the studio, you naturally slipped into your platter tutu with a dancer's instinct. White and sparkling at the edges. You saw a couple of the other UA girls turn their heads, pausing with their partners to admire in awe from a distance. Luckily, the Director hadn't returned. For how long she'd be gone from class, you didn't know.

Kirishima held his tutu awkwardly, lifting the red tulle around.

"It's so, flat?"

Stooping to the ground, you gently brushed his hands away. "You've got to fluff it out a little. And you step into it here..."

With a slow, careful motion, for fear of tearing it (like he did with most delicate things), the tutu was on.

Kirishima laughed. "Woah... Woah! Why can't we wear these?"

"It kinda suits you. Like a hybrid of your hero costume."

He twirled around, staring in the mirror with all the excitement in the world.

"It sparkles, it flutters – " he hopped around to watch the tutu bounce, " – it makes me look jacked somehow..." he added, flexing his torso.

"I think you just naturally look like that." You were trying to cover your smile with your hand. Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck, not so subtly. Hard to hide years of hero training behind a little, red tutu.

"Looking good Kirishima!"

That familiar voice called across the room, his duffel bag on his shoulder, a cheeky smile on him not even 3 steps in the door.

"Hey man! Good to see you."

They fist bumped. Manly.

"Since when were you two so chummy?"

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